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Ninth Conference on Urban and Regional Research

09 - 12 June 2002
Leeds United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
"Sustainable and Liveable Cities"

Since 1968 the UNECE Committee on Human Settlements is organizing in regular intervals conferences on urban and regional research.  These conferences bring together researchers, planners and policy makers to discuss the current issues in the development of cities and to determine the scope, character and directions of research. The conferences assist policy makers in their decision-making task and at the same time contribute to a better understanding of future research requirements in this area.

The Ninth Conference on Urban and Regional Research took place in Leeds (United Kingdom) from 10 to 12 June 2002 at the invitation of the Government of the United Kingdom.

Representatives of the following countries took part in the Conference: Armenia, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia.

The following non-governmental organizations were also represented: International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and World Fire Statistics Centre.

As a basis for discussion, three discussion papers were prepared by the rapporteurs as well as a Summary Paper which can be accessed through the following links:

Discussion papers:

  • Urban society and economy: achieving social equity through effective planning policies and tools
    Prepared by Mr David FELL (United Kingdom) and Mr Vladimir K. STORCHEVUS (Russian Federation)
    HBP/SEM.53/4     EN     FR     RU

  • Improving urban performance: urban structure and ecosystems
    Prepared by Ms Ileana BUDISTEANU (Romania) and Ms Anne SKOVBRO (Denmark)
    HBP/SEM.53/5    EN     FR     RU

  • Governance and urban organization: integrated decision-making
    Prepared by Ms Anne QUERRIEN (France) and Mr Ingemar ELANDER (Sweden)
    HBP/SEM.53/6    EN     FR     RU

The conference was preceded by a technical visit to the cities of Leeds and Bradford on 9 June. The participants had an opportunity to become acquainted with the challenges and the approaches to urban development in these cities. Both cities provide ample illustration of the potential to create sustainable and liveable cities and to resolve the related problems. Despite economic growth, unemployment persists and some parts of the city areas are among the most deprived in the United Kingdom. The study tour looked at economic redevelopment in central Leeds and at new sustainable public transport links to the city centre. The tour included examples of the re-use of the historical fabric in both Leeds and Bradford to create vital, dynamic and novel mixed-use development, and contrasted 19th century model industrial developments with 21st century equivalents.