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Second Workshop on Transboundary Flood Risk Management

19 - 20 March 2015
Geneva Switzerland

The first workshop on transboundary flood risk management, which was held in April 2009, highlighted that there are common problems, objectives and approaches to flood risk management in the UN-ECE region and beyond. The workshop identified a number of useful tools for managing transboundary flood risks and provided important conclusions for flood risk management, including, among others, the need to strengthen political support, improve communication among riparian countries, data sharing and facilitate capacity-building (for more details see

The second workshop on transboundary flood risk management was organized on 19-20 March 2015 within the framework of the programme of work of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention). This workshop brought together professionals from all over the world working on transboundary flood risk management and provided a platform to:

  • Exchange experiences concerning the latest developments and the progress made in the transboundary case studies since the 2009 Workshop;
  • Identify relevant problems, successful strategies for transboundary flood risk management and  new cooperation models and develop new ideas and approaches;
  • Present best practice examples of successful transboundary cooperation on flood risk reduction and management;
  • Analyse lessons learned from the latest flooding events in 2014 (e.g. in the Danube River Basin);
  • Consider the experiences made in the European Union during the implementation of the EU-Flood Directive and the current work on flood risk management plans; and
  • Review and update the recommendations of the 2009-workshop.



Programme PDF  
Report PDF PDF
Discussion paper PDF PDF
Information notice PDF PDF
Template for Submitting Case Studies on Transboundary Flood Issues DOC DOC
Translating policies into actions: the case of the Elbe River PDF  
List of participants PDF


Opening session      

 Setting the Scene:Presentation on Integrated Transboundary Flood Risk Management
Giacomo Terrugi, WMO

Session 1 - Flood forecasting      
Introduction to session, Giacomo Terrugi, WMO PDF    
Flood Risk Management in Chindwin River Basin (Myanmar),
HtayHtay Than, Hydrological Division, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Myanmar
Panel discussion on establishing transboundary flood forecasting and data exchange      
Panj River (Afghanistan/Tajikistan), Karimjon Abdualimov,Tajik Hydro Met Service, Tajikistan     PDF
Prut River (Romania/Ukraine/Moldova), Mikhail Penkov,National Consultant on "Climate Change and Security in the Dniester River Basin", Moldova PDF    
Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Basin (India/China/Nepal / Bangladesh / Bhutan), Mohammad Monowar Hossain, Institute of Water Modelling, Bangladesh PDF    
Nile River Flood Protection, Tahani Moustafa Sileet, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt PDF    
Lunch session      
Design and Implementation of flood risk management projects in Georgia and Bosnia & Herzegovina
Margaretta Ayoung, Chief Technical Advisor, AF/UNDP Project in Georgia and GEF/UNDP Project, Bosnia &Herzegovina
Non structural flood management measures in the Lower Mekong Basin, Thomas Dworak, Fresh Thoughts Consulting PDF    
Session 2 - Measures      
Danube (Austria/ Bulgaria/ Bosnia and Herzegovina /Croatia /Czech Republic/ Germany / Hungary / Moldova/ Montenegro / Romania/ Slovakia/ Slovenia/ Serbia/ Ukraine),
Mary-Jean Adler, National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Department for Waters, Forests and Fisheries, Romania
Foron Heramce And Marquet-Swallowed-Vengeron Basins (Switzerland/France)
Marianne Gfeller, Quitian, Department for renaturation of water courses (Service de renaturation des cours d'eau), Directorate General for Water,State of Geneva
Session 3 - Flood Risk Management Planning      
Introduction to session, Steven Wade, MET Office, United Kingdom PDF    
Rhine (Austria/ the Belgian Region of Wallonia/ France/ Germany/ Italy/ Liechtenstein/Luxemburg/ Netherlands/ Switzerland), Adrian Schmid-Breton, International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine PDF    
Amur (Russia/China), Eugene Simonov, Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition PDF    
Tisza (Romania/ Ukraine / Hungary/ Slovakia),
Viktor Durkot, Tisza River Basin Water Resources Directorate, Ukraine
Dniester (Ukraine/Republic of Moldova),
Oleksandr Bon, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine,
Gherman Bejenaru, State Hydrometeorological Service, Republic of Moldova



Session 4 - Institutional Arrangements      
Introduction to session, Marloes Bakker, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands PDF    
Pilot Case Study of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping and Inventory of the Flood Risk Management Planning for the River Bug (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine),
Vladimir Korneev, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Belarus
Panel discussion on transboundary legal and institutional arrangements, challenges and needs      
Drin-Buna River Basin (Albania), Irfan Tarelli, Ministry of Agriculture, Albania PDF    
Logone River (Chad-Cameroon), Younane Nelngar, Ministry of Livestock and Water, Chad   PDF  
Conclusions and Recommendations PDF