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NPD/IWRM in Turkmenistan in 2010


National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Turkmenistan in 2010. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe report on implementation of the European Union Water Initiative.

Water is a key issue in the social and economic sectors in Turkmenistan. The country is now ready to embark on a road to improve the management of its water resources following integrated water resource management (IWRM) principles. This will support a better use of these resources, especially for irrigation purposes.

UNECE cooperates with the Government of Turkmenistan to apply the internationally recognized approaches and practices to water management, including the river basin management principles. The EU Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues (NPD) on IWRM was launched to involve all relevant stakeholders into the discussion and decision-making to develop the most appropriate policies for the water sector.

This report gives an overview and background information on implementation of IWRM in Turkmenistan.
