Guidance on public participation
in EIA in a transboundary context
Available in English, French and Russian.
(ECE/MP.EIA/7, 136 pp., no.7 in the Environment Series)
At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context and, at their third meeting, the Parties adopted the guidance presented in this publication. The Meeting of the Parties recognized the need for guidance to assist competent authorities and the public in organizing effective public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context. The Meeting of the Parties also invited the individual Parties to provide information to the Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessment on the usefulness of the guidance and any suggestions for its future development.
in EIA in a transboundary context
Available in English, French and Russian.
(ECE/MP.EIA/7, 136 pp., no.7 in the Environment Series)
At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context and, at their third meeting, the Parties adopted the guidance presented in this publication. The Meeting of the Parties recognized the need for guidance to assist competent authorities and the public in organizing effective public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context. The Meeting of the Parties also invited the individual Parties to provide information to the Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessment on the usefulness of the guidance and any suggestions for its future development.
1. Introduction
2. Public participation provisions of the Convention and their practical application
3. Recommendations on increasing effectiveness of public participation in a transboundary EIA
4. Final provisions
Annex 1: Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, done at Espoo (Finland), on 25 February 1991
Annex 2: Case studies
1. Introduction
1.1 Role and benefits of public participation in environmental decision-making
1.2 The background, mandate and aim of the guidance
1.3 Case studies as the basis for the guidance
1.2 The background, mandate and aim of the guidance
1.3 Case studies as the basis for the guidance
2. Public participation provisions of the Convention and their practical application
2.1 Establishment of national EIA procedure that permits public participation
2.2 Providing an opportunity for the public in an affected Party that is equivalent to that provided to the public in the Party of origin
2.3 Financing and translation
2.4 Notification of affected Party and public of Party of origin. Timing
2.2 Providing an opportunity for the public in an affected Party that is equivalent to that provided to the public in the Party of origin
2.3 Financing and translation
2.4 Notification of affected Party and public of Party of origin. Timing
2.5 Joint responsibility of concerned Parties for participation of the public of the affected Party in a transboundary EIA
2.6 Distribution of the EIA documentation and submission of comments of public of affected Party
2.7 Final decision and results of public participation
2.6 Distribution of the EIA documentation and submission of comments of public of affected Party
2.7 Final decision and results of public participation
3. Recommendations on increasing effectiveness of public participation in a transboundary EIA
3.1 Preliminary work with potential participants
3.2 Contacts with potential affected Parties: Bilateral and multilateral agreements; Joint bodies
3.2 Contacts with potential affected Parties: Bilateral and multilateral agreements; Joint bodies
3.3 Organizing points of contact for the public
3.4 Role of the public
3.4 Role of the public
4. Final provisions
4.1 Implementation of the guidance
4.2 Review
4.2 Review
Annex 1: Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, done at Espoo (Finland), on 25 February 1991
Article 1: Definitions
Article 2: General Provisions
Article 3: Notification
Article 4: Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documentation
Article 6: Final Decision
Article 2: General Provisions
Article 3: Notification
Article 4: Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documentation
Article 6: Final Decision
Annex 2: Case studies