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CES Plenary Session

08 - 10 June 2004
Geneva Switzerland

Updated: Thu Mar 31 15:35:26 CEST 2005

CES/2004 /...

  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
ECE/CES/66 Report PDF 
14 Jul.04
ECE/CES/65 Annotated provisional agenda of the 2004 Plenary Session PDF 
27 May 04
25 May 04
3 May 04
ECE/CES/65/CORR.1 List of additional documents PDF 
3 May 04
25 May 04
25 May 04
ECE/CES/65/REV.1 Provisional Agenda and Tentative Timetable PDF 
2 Jun.04
CES/821 Improving the efficiency of the CES Plenary Sessions PDF 
INF.1 Registration form PDF 
16 Mar.04
INF.2 How to get to La Défense and tour Europe PDF 
16 Mar.04
INF.3 Highlights of the CES 2004 Plenary Session PDF 
23 Jun.04
1 Matters arising from the February 2004 Session of the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE Secretariat) PDF 
8 Apr.04
17 May 04
2 Summary report of the 35th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (ECE secretariat) PDF 
6 Apr.04
25 May 04
3 Programmes of international statistical work in the ECE region: an integrated presentation (ECE secretariat) PDF 
6 Apr.04
25 May 04
4 Excerpt from the IP database (ECE secretariat) PDF 
30 Jun.04
21 Jun.04
4/ADD.1 Summary of the statistical activities planned by the other United Nations Regional Commissions (ECE secretariat) PDF 
1 Jun.04
5 Comments on the 2004 Integrated Presentation of International Statistical Work Programmes (ECE secretariat) PDF 
25 May 04
6 ECE Statistical Programme (ECE secretariat) PDF 
4 May 04
7 Coordination of environment statistics (Invited paper - Norway) PDF 
14 May 04
8 Establishing teams of specialists within the CES (ECE secretariat) PDF 
1 Apr.04
21 Jun.04
9 The system of official statistics in Sweden: coordination through cooperation (Invited paper - Sweden) PDF 
2 Apr.04
17 May 04
10 The system of official statistics in France (Invited paper - France) PDF 
17 May 04
18 May 04
11 Maintaining the credibility of official statistics (Invited paper - Canada) PDF 
4 May 04
12 Integrity - a pre-requisite of independence and credibility of official statistics (Invited paper - Italy) PDF 
18 Jun.04
13 Factors and principle measures influencing credibility and independence of official statistics (under conditions of the transformation of statistics) (Invited paper - Czech Republic) PDF 
10 May 04
14 Pro-activity: a prerequisite? (Invited paper - Netherlands) PDF 
24 Mar.04
25 May 04
15 How to anticipate users' needs when defining priorities within a statistical programme: experience of a candidate country (Invited paper - Romania) PDF 
24 Mar.04
17 May 04
16 How to communicate statistics (Invited paper - Germany) PDF 
8 Apr.04
17 How is the quality of statistics managed and understood for a wider audience? (Invited paper - Poland) PDF 
2 Apr.04
3 May 04
18 Official statistics - a recognisable and enduring national resource (Supporting paper: Seminar on National Statistical Systems - New Zealand) PDF 
1 Jun.04
19/REV.1 Development of an OECD Index of Services Production Manual (Invited paper - OECD) PDF 
4 May 04
20 Measurement of services: recent ABS experience (Invited paper - Australia) PDF 
4 May 04
21 International services statistics strategy and coordination - problems and progress with price and volume measurement in the services sector (Invited paper - OECD) PDF 
25 May 04
22 The Atkinson review of UK government output measurement – a progress report (Invited paper - United Kingdom) PDF 
31 Mar.04
17 May 04
23 Constructing a volume index for hospital services in Netherlands (Invited paper - Netherlands) PDF 
29 Mar.04
21 Jun.04
25 Measuring services in the Producer Price Index (Invited paper - US Bureau of Labor Statistics) PDF 
6 May 04


26 The Dutch strategy for realizing PPIs and volume measures for the service sector (Invited paper - Netherlands) PDF
30 Mar.04
17 May 04
17 May 04
27 Progress in development of producer price indices for the service industries in Europe (Invited paper - Sweden) PDF
8 Apr.04
28 Short-term statistics on services for the Euro area (ECB) PDF
4 Jun.04
30 Service sector statistics and monetary policy (Invited paper - Bank of England) PDF
29 Mar.04
21 Jun.04
1 Jun.04
31 Experience in coordination within the Bulgarian national statistical system (Supporting paper, Seminar on National Statistical Sytems - Bulgaria) PDF
19 May 04
32 Supporting paper: Seminar on National Statistical Systems - Kazakhstan     PDF
7 May 04
33 The importance of coordination for the credibility of the statistical systems (Supporting paper: Seminar on National Statistical Systems - Portugal) PDF
11 May 04
34 Restructuring the Turkish statistical system (Supporting paper: Seminar on National Statistical Systems - Turkey) PDF
11 May 04
36 Coordination of activity of entities of state statistical system in Ukraine (Supporting paper: Seminar on National Statistical Systems - Ukraine) PDF
17 May 04
7 May 04
37 Improving Business Services Price Indexes in Canada (Supporting paper: Seminar on Services Sector - Canada) PDF
11 May 04
38 Service Statistics in Georgia (Supporting paper: Seminar on Services Sector - Georgia) PDF
11 May 04
39 The development of Producer Price Indices in the field of legal activities, tax consultancy and auditing services (German pilot study) (Supporting paper: Seminar on Services Sector - Germany) PDF
11 May 04
40 Supporting paper: Seminar on Services Sector - Kyrgyzstan     PDF
7 May 04
41 The measuring of prices in the services sector in Portugal (Supporting paper: Seminar on Services Sector - Portugal) PDF
11 May 04
42 Service Statistics in Ukraine (Supporting paper, Seminar on Services Sector - Ukraine) PDF
18 May 04
7 May 04
46 Report PDF
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
47 Report of the Work Session on Gender Statistics PDF
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
48 Report of meeting PDF
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
1 Mar.05
49 Report of the Work Session on Population Censuses PDF
21 Jan.05
31 Mar.05
50 Report of the Work Session on Housing Censuses PDF
21 Jan.05
Document is in the process of being translated.  Advanced versions in other language(s) were uploaded on this webpage prior to the official distribution for information of delegates. PDF
31 Mar.05
WP.1 Task Force on Confidentiality and Microdata - Discussion paper (Dennis Trewin, Chairman, Task Force on Confidentiality and Microdata) PDF
13 May 04
WP.2 Multinational Enterprise (MNE) PROJECT progress report as of 10 May 2004 (Canada) PDF
14 May 04
WP.3 UNECE biennial programme plan for the period 2006-2007, Subprogramme: Statistics (ECE secretariat) PDF
12 May 04
WP.4 Technical cooperation activities covered by the UNECE Statistical Division for the period June 2003-May 2004 (ECE secretariat) PDF
12 May 04
WP.5 Follow-up to decisions taken by the Bureau and the Conference (ECE secretariat) PDF
2 Jun.04
WP.6 Note on the selection of possible topics for discussion at the Conference in 2005 (ECE secretariat) PDF
15 Jun.04
WP.7 Plan for the CES Seminar on the measurement of sustainable development (Sweden) PDF
15 Jun.04
CES/BUR.2004/18 Report, Washington, D.C., 20-21 October 2003 PDF
16 Apr.04
CES/BUR.2004/43 Report, Geneva, 12-13 February 2004 PDF
16 Apr.04
CES/AC.71/2004/22.ADD.1 Report of the Joint ECE/Eurostat/OECD Work Session on statistical metadata PDF
12 Mar.04
CES/AC.71/2004/22.ADD.2 Report of the Work Session on Statistical Data Editing PDF
10 Mar.04
CES/AC.71/2004/2 Report (MSIS'2004) PDF
2 Jun.04
1 Sep.04
1 Sep.04
CES/SEM.50/2 Report PDF
20 Aug.03
7 Nov.03
7 Nov.03
CES/AC.61/2003/2 Report PDF
29 Oct.03
20 Jan.04
21 Jan.04
CES/AC.49/2003/2 Report PDF 
25 Feb.04
10 Mar.04
10 Mar.04
CES/SEM.52/1 Report PDF 
2 Mar.04
2 Mar.04
2 Mar.04
CES/AC.68/2004/2 report of the April 2004 meeting on national accounts PDF 
18 Jun.04
18 Oct.04
18 Oct.04
  See also: Bureau documents