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UNDA 9th tranche: Kick-off meeting

10 - 11 December 2014
Almaty Kazakhstan
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Agenda PDF   PDF    
  Meeting report PDF   PDF    
Session 1: UNDA 9th tranche project - Objectives, implementation and monitoring mechanisms
  UNECE: UNDA project - introruction and objectives, tools for the implemenation and monitoring of the project       PDF PDF
  Eurostat: ENP-East and beyond: Eurostat contribution to statistical capacity in EECCA countries        PDF PDF
  Eurasian Economic Commission: Official statistics: a tool for economic integration       PDF PDF
  Turkey: How countries from Central Asia can benefit from the recent experience of TurkStat       PDF PDF
  Norway: Institutional cooperation between Statistics Norway and the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic - 2014-2016       PDF PDF
  Russian Federation: Rosstat contribution to technical cooperation activities in the EECCA region and beyond       PDF PDF
  Tajikistan: Implementation of recommendations from global assessment: the experience of Tajikistan       PDF PDF
  Belarus: Setting priorities in the implementation of recommendations from global assessment: the experience of Belarus       PDF PDF
  Eurostat: New round of global assessments / peer reviews in the EECCA countries  PDF   PDF PDF PDF
Session 2: Legal and institutional framework of official statistics
  Consultant UNECE: Delineation of a national statistical system        PDF PDF
  Azerbaijan: Definition of official statistics, administrative statistics and data in the statistical law: the example of Azerbaijan       PDF PDF
  Ukraine: Delineation of the national statistical system of Ukraine: main challenges in the light of the UN-FPs       PDF PDF
  Armenia: Rights and obligations of other producers of official statistics in Armenia according to the law       PDF PDF
  Consultant UNECE: Coordination of the production of official statistics: best practices, mechanisms and tools        PDF PDF
  Moldova: Coordination of the national statistical system of Moldova: good practices and tasks       PDF PDF
  Mongolia: How to re-enforce the role of the Statistical Council as the coordination body of the national statistical system: the experience of Mongolia       PDF PDF
  Georgia: International cooperation as a driver of sustainable development in statistics: the experience of Geostat       PDF PDF
Background documents
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics PDF   PDF PDF  
European Statistics Code of Practice PDF   PDF    
Abstracts PDF   PDF