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UNECE-UNFPA Workshop on Censuses Using Registers

21 May 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

NOTE: The UNECE launched a new wiki site on population and housing censuses.  The Wiki hosts a table presenting information and material related to the population and housing censuses of the 2010 round in UNECE member countries. This includes: type of census, reference date, census questionnaires used, technical papers, reports, and links to the national census websites. More content and interactive services for registered users will be added in the future to the UNECE Census Wiki, also in connection with the preparatory work for the 2020 round of censuses and the revision of the CES Recommendations.

Document Title
Documents Presentations
INF.2 Information Note PDF    
  Registration Form DOC    
 1. Agenda and tentative timetable (18 May) PDF    
 2. Report of the Workshop PDF    
  Training workshop on censuses using registers in Geneva 21 May 2012   PPT PPT
  Why register-based statistics?   PPT PPT
  Definitions of basic concepts   PPT PPT
  Individual based statistics and register development   PPT PPT
  General preconditions   PPT PPT
  Overview of Approaches to Censuses Using Registers   PPT PPT
  Возможность использования регистров при переписи населения и жилья 2014 года     PPT
  Possible Use of Registers for Census in Croatia   PPT  
  Census and Registers in Serbia   PPT  
  Establishing a register-based statistical system   PPT PPT
  The Dutch Virtual Census based on registers and already existing surveys   PPT PPT