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66th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians

18 - 20 June 2018
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland


Document Title
Documents Presentations
ECE/CES/94 Provisional agenda ENG



  Programme ENG --


  Decisions  ENG          
  Report ENG FRE RUS      
1.  Opening address and adoption of the agenda
2.  Matters arising from the ECE session and the 49th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
Matters arising from the ECE session and the 49th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission ENG  --  --      
4.  Reports, guidelines and recommendations prepared under the umbrella of the Conference
Guidance on data integration for measuring migration - extract ENG FRE RUS      
2 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the Guidance on data integration for measuring migration ENG -- -- PPT -- --
  Full version of "Guidance on data integration for measuring migration"  ENG -- --      
Measuring international labour mobility - extract ENG FRE RUS      
3 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the report on measuring international labour mobility ENG -- -- PPT -- --
  Full version of "Measuring international labour mobility" ENG -- --      
Guidelines on the use of registers and administrative data for population and housing censuses - extract ENG FRE RUS      
4 Add.1  Results of the consultation on the Guidelines on the use of registers and administrative data for censuses ENG -- -- PPT -- --
4 Rev.1  Guidelines on the use of registers updated after consultations ENG -- --      
Guidelines on the use of statistical business registers for business demography and entrepreneurship statistics - extract ENG FRE RUS      
5 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the Guidelines ENG -- -- PPT -- --
  Full version of "Guidelines on the use of statistical business registers for business demography and entrepreneurship statistics"  ENG --   --      
Guidance on common elements of statistical legislation - extract ENG FRE RUS      
6 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the Guidance on common elements of statistical legislation ENG -- -- PPT -- --
  Full version of "Guidance on common elements of statistical legislation"  ENG -- --      
Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators - draft - extract ENG FRE RUS      
7 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators ENG -- -- PPT -- --
  Full version of Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators - draft  ENG -- --      
 8  Exchange and sharing of economic data ENG FRE RUS PPT -- --
5.  Collaboration with UN-Global Geospatial Information Managements Europe
13  Improving collaboration between UNECE and the UN-GGIM: Europe ENG FRE RUS PPT -- --
6.  Work of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics
 12  Annual report of the HLG-MOS ENG  FRE  RUS  PPT -- --
12 Add.1   A new vision for modernisation work ENG   -- --       
8. Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals
Principles for rotation of members from the UNECE region of the IEG on SDG indicators and the HLG on PCCB for the 2030 Agenda  ENG FRE  RUS  PPT -- --
39 Understanding the system of custodian agencies for Sustainable Development Indicators ENG -- -- PPT -- --
39 Corr.1 Corrigendum ENG -- --      
40 Progress in implementation of the Conference of European Statisticians’ Road Map on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals ENG -- -- PPT -- --
9.  Strategy for capacity development in UNECE region
10  UNECE Statistical capacity development strategy ENG FRE RUS PPT -- --
10 Rev.1 UNECE Statistical capacity development strategy updated after consultation ENG -- --      
10 Add.1 Results of the consultation on the  Statistical Capacity Development Strategy ENG -- --      
10. Selection of topics for CES seminars
19 Summary of the consultation on topics for the seminars to be held during the 2019 plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians ENG -- --      
19 Add.1 Proposal for the seminars to be held during the 2019 CES plenary session  ENG          
11. UNECE Statistical Programme
14  Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme ENG FRA RUS      
 11  Work of the Expert group on national accounts ENG FRA RUS      
 15  UNECE Statistical Programme for 2018 ENG -- --      
12. Outcomes of the in-depth reviews carried out by the CES Bureau
 16  Emerging issues in statistical communication ENG FRA RUS      
 17  Gaps in gender statistics  ENG FRA RUS      
18  Measuring social exclusion  ENG FRA RUS      
  Outcomes of in-depth reviews carried out by the CES Bureau -- -- -- PPT -- --

SEMINAR 1 - Measuring what matters - broadening official statistics

Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Seminar opening (Poland)    


  Keynote speech (Prof. Anthony Arundel)       PPT    
  Seminar closing (Poland)       PPT    
Session I - Emerging topics            
  Session introduction and summary of papers (Israel)       PPT    
  Keynote presentation (Austria)       PPT    
31 Measuring Security and Governance for SDGs (France) ENG FRA        
33 Measurement of subjectivity in social statistics (Slovakia) ENG          
Session II - How to react swiftly            
  Session introduction and summary of papers (New Zealand)       PPT    
  Summary of voting on the "hottest" topics (Slovakia)       PPT    
20 Working with customers to unleash to the power of data to change lives (New Zealand) ENG FRE RUS      
21 How our people are changing to unleash the power of data to change lives (New Zealand) ENG FRE RUS      
28 Dare to change in a changing society (Statistics Netherlands) ENG FRE RUS      
32 Measuring what matters: Remaining relevant in the changing US economy (USA) ENG          
37 Experimental statistics new challenges for NSOs: Istat experience (Italy) ENG          
38 Experimental statistics - a way to cover information gaps (Poland) ENG          

SEMINAR 2 - Getting our message across: Strategic reflections on modernizing statistical communications

Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Seminar opening (Albania)       PPT    
Session I - Strategic communications            
  Session introduction (Montenegro)       PPT    
  Keynote speech (Netherlands)       PPT    
  Summary of the papers (Mexico)       PPT    
24 The role of official statistics in an evolving communication society (OECD) ENG FRE RUS      
25 Towards a new communication strategy for Statistics Belgium (Belgium) ENG FRE RUS      
27 Strategic communications - We need to get them young (Norway) ENG FRE RUS      
29 Is there a need for communication makeover in statistical institutes? (Croatia) ENG          
30 Integrating changing user behaviour into a communications strategy at Eurostat (Eurostat)  ENG          
Session II - Communication crises - issue and reputation management            
  Keynote speech (Australia)       PPT    
  Summary of papers (Netherlands)       PPT    
23 New trends in communication - branding and content marketing (Germany) ENG FRE RUS      
26 Building a good reputation and avoiding pitfalls: Communications strategies for official statistics in the United States (United States) ENG FRE RUS      
34 Building trust in statistics through communications (Australia) ENG          
35 "An outgoing expert personality" - using a brand platform as a tool to improve external communication (Sweden) ENG          
36 Preliminary thoughts on issue and crisis communications from the HLG-MOS Strategic Communication Project (HLG-MOS) ENG