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Group of Experts on Measuring Quality of Employment

06 - 08 November 2019
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

 Handbook on Measuring Quality of Employment - Addendum 1 (January 2019)

Questionnaire for Feedback on the Handbook on Measuring Quality of Employment

  Documents Presentations
Meeting Report PDF  
Session 1: Progress of the Steering Group on Measuring Quality of Employment
Activities and Outputs of the Steering Group on MQoE, Silvia Perrenoud, Switzerland   PDF
Feedback on the indicators measuring quality of employment, Beatrix Wiedenhofer-Galik, Austria   PDF
Measuring Quality of Employment in the SDGs, Albert Bredt, UNECE   PDF
Session 2: Impact of 19th and 20th ICLS and related topics
Impact of the 19th ICLS Resolution on work statistics on MQE, Monica Castillo, ILO   PDF
Impact of the 20th ICLS Resolution on work relationships on MQE, Monica Castillo, ILO   PDF
Guidelines concerning measuring qualifications and skills mismatches, Valentina Stoevska, ILO   PDF
International labour migration, Hakki Özel, ILO   PDF
Measuring International Labour Mobility, Andres Vikat, UNECE   PDF
Rural-Urban Labour Statistics, Monica Castillo, ILO   PDF
Session 3: New forms of employment
Good gig, bad gig: job quality and new sources of insecurity in the gig economy, Alex Wood, Oxford Internet Institute   PDF
Platform workers, Boon Heng Ang, Singapore   PDF
Measuring internet-mediated platform work in Switzerland, Silvia Perrenoud, Switzerland   PDF
A new way to measure online 'gig' work, Danielle Goldfarb, RIWI   PDF
Session 4: Panel discussion

Panel discussion on internet-mediated platform work, Moderator: Monica Castillo, ILO

Panellists: Agnès Parent-Thirion, Eurofound; Alex Wood, Oxford Internet Institute; Enrique Fernández-Macías, EC JRC; Hanna Sutela, Finland; Julie Hatch, United States BLS

Keynote speech
How to quantify what is not seen? Two proposals for measuring platform work, Enrique Fernández-Macías, EC JRC   PDF
Session 5a: Country experiences
Quality of the working environment, Fabrice Murtin, OECD   PDF
Global working conditions report, Agnès Parent-Thirion, Eurofound   PDF

7th European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), Agnès Parent-Thirion, Eurofound

Measuring Quality of Employment in Statistical Practice of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Laykam, Russian Federation   PDF
Measuring Quality of employment in Eswatini, Thandie Dlamini, Eswatini   PDF
Income and job trajectories of Italian employees: an analysis of longitudinal indicators obtained through the micro integration of LFS and statistical registers, Carlo De Gregorio, Italy PDF PPT
Session 5b: Country experiences
Commuting time from home to work as a component of work-life balance dimension in the framework of quality of employment indicators - evidence from Israeli Labour Force Survey, Mark Feldman, Israel PDF PDF
Long commutes to work in a car: Results from the 2016 Canadian Census, Jason Gilmore, Canada   PDF
Skills mismatches, Daniel Sim, Singapore   PDF
Past, present and future, Katharina Marder-Puch, Germany   PDF
Session 6: Experimental indicators
Monitoring of labour underutilization, unregistered employment and volunteer work, Agnieszka Zgierska, Poland PDF PDF
Informal work in Finland, Hanna Sutela, Finland


Informal Employment, Florence Bonnet, ILO   PDF
Conclusion and future work
Proposals for future work of the Steering Group   PDF