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67th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians

26 - 28 June 2019
OECD Paris France


Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Provisional annotated agenda ENG FRE RUS      
  Provisional programme ENG -- RUS      
  Report ENG FRE RUS  

SEMINAR I: New data sources - accessibility and use

Document Title
Documents Presentations
A.  Session 1: Accessing new data sources
  Presentation by United States & Switzerland       PPT -- --
  Keynote presentation by Prof. Frauke Kreuter        PPT -- --
20  Access to Big Data for statistical purposes (Germany) ENG FRE RUS      
30  Experiences and challenges on the use of new data sources (Republic of Korea) ENG -- --      
31  Five experiences in using new data sources (Mexico) ENG -- --      
32  Integrating alternative data sources into official statistics - a system design approach (Eurostat) ENG -- --      
33  A statistical approach to Big Data (Norway) ENG -- --      
34  "You say you want a (data) revolution": A proposal to use unofficial statistics for the SDG Global Indicator Framework (UNCTAD) ENG -- --      
39  Statistical quality and new data sources - lessons from the work of OECD (OECD) ENG -- --      
 40  Application of alternative data sources in official statistics (Hungary) ENG -- --      
41  New data sources for official statistics - access, use and new skills (UNSD) ENG -- --      
43  New data sources, leading to new indicators and to new collaborations (Netherlands) ENG -- --      
B.  Session 2: Skills needed to use new data sources 
23  New competencies needed to work with Big Data - lessons learnt so far (Slovenia) ENG FRE RUS      
24  Improving data integration with the help of Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (Sweden) ENG FRA RUS      
Rules governing the work of the Conference and its Bureau
  2  Rules and procedures governing the work of the CES ENG FRE RUS      
2/Add.1 Changes to the text of the Rules and procedures adopted in 2007  ENG -- --      
Reports, guidelines and recommendations prepared under the umbrella of the Conference
Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters ENG FRE RUS      
3/Add.1  Results of the consultation on the draft Recommendations ENG -- --  PPT -- --
3/Rev.1  Long version for consultation ENG -- --      
Guidelines on Producing Leading, Composite and Sentiment Indicators ENG FRE RUS      
4/Add.1 Results of the consultation on the draft Guidelines  ENG -- -- PPT -- --
4/Rev.1  Full version revised after consultation ENG -- --      
Satellite Account for Education and Training: Compilation Guide ENG FRE RUS      
5/Add.1  Results of the consultation on the draft Compilation Guide ENG -- -- PPT -- --
5/Rev.1  Full version revised after consultation ENG -- --      
 6  Recommendations for Measuring Older Populations in Institutions ENG FRE RUS PPT -- --
6/Add.1  Results of the consultation on the Recommendations ENG -- --      
6/Rev.1  Long version for consultation ENG -- --      
Strategic Communications Framework for Statistical Institutions (HLG-MOS) ENG FRE RUS      
7/Add.1  Results of the consultation on the Strategic Communications Framework for Statistical Institutions ENG -- -- PPT -- --
7/Rev.1  Full version revised after consultation ENG -- --      
42  Strategic partnerships (Canada) ENG -- --      
Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals
Progress in implementing the Conference of European Statisticians' Road Map on Statistics for SDGs ENG -- --      
8/Add.1  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe regional platform on statistics for SDGs (ECE) ENG -- --      
Principles for rotation of members from the UNECE region of Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG indicators and HLG on Partnership, Cooperation and Capacity Building for the 2030 Agenda ENG FRE RUS      

SEMINAR II: Emerging role of national statistical offices as offices for statistics and data

Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Introduction by Seminar Chair (Canada)       PPT -- --
25  The role of national statistical systems in the new data ecosystem (Estonia with Canada, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland) ENG FRE RUS      
Session 1: Emerging data system opportunities and issues
  Measuring the internet economy in the Netherlands (Data       PPT -- --
  Summary of key issues identified in papers (Canada)       PPT -- --
22  Emerging roles of national statistical offices as offices for statistics and data (Denmark)  ENG FRE RUS      
26  The same role but changing function? The consequences of datafication for official statistics (Eurostat) ENG FRE RUS      
27  Enabling ethically appropriate uses of data for research and statistics for the public good (United Kingdom) ENG FRE RUS      
35  A strategy to improve administrative data quality (Albania) ENG -- --      
36  National Statistical Institute and Information Policy (Finland) ENG -- --      
37  Future cities and data driven governance (Netherlands) ENG -- --      
38  Statistician's ethics - guarantor of statistics reliability (Romania) ENG -- --      
Session 2: Approaches to data system stewardship 
  Approaches to data system stewardship (Australia)       PPT -- --
  Data strategy for federal public servants (Canada)       PPT -- --
  New digital data ecosystem (Russian Federation)       PPT -- PPT
  Key issues identitied in the papers (New Zealand)       PPT -- --
21  Towards certification of new statistics of public interest; why, how? (France) ENG FRE RUS      
28  Broadening our role as a national statistical office - New Zealand's journey so far (New Zealand) ENG FRE RUS      
29  Decision making support system as a policy tool - Serbian experience (Serbia) ENG FRE RUS      
  Key takeaways from sessions 1 and 2 (Canada and New Zealand)       PPT -- --
Work of the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics
10  Annual report of the HLG for the Modernisation of Official Statistics ENG -- -- PPT -- --
10/Add.1  New versions of GSBPM and GAMSO ENG -- --      
Selection of topics for seminars to take place during the 2020 plenary session of the CES
 11  Selection of topics for seminars to take place during the 2020 plenary session ENG -- --      
11/Add.1  Proposals for the seminars to be held during the 2020 plenary session ENG -- --      
Coordination of international statistical work in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
16  Use of satellite image data in official statistics (Mexico and Canada) ENG FRE RUS PPT -- --
17  Statistics and data on cities (the Netherlands and Eurostat) ENG FRE RUS      
 18  Various types of satellite accounts (Canada) ENG FRE RUS      
19  Measurement of gender identity (Canada and the United Kingdom) ENG FRE RUS      
Matters arising from the 68th session of the Economic Commission for Europe and the 50th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
Matters arising from the 68th session of the Economic Commission for Europe and the 50th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission ENG -- --      
Programme of Work of the Statistics subprogramme of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
13  Statistical Programme 2019 ENG FRE RUS      
14  Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme 2018 ENG FRE RUS      
15  Programme of work of the Statistics subprogramme for 2020 ENG FRE RUS      
15/Add.1  List of meetings to be held in 2020 ENG -- --      
Election of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians
12  Election of the Bureau of the CES for the two-year period from June 2019 to June 2021   ENG FRE RUS