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Sixth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

02 - 04 October 2019
Salle XIII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The sixth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information and the joint UNECE - EEA workshop on Open Data for the Environment under auspices of the Task Force was held from 2 to 4 October 2019 in Geneva.

The Task Force promoted the exchange of information, case studies and good practices and discussed recent and upcoming developments focusing on active dissemination of environmental information. In particular, the Task Force discussed effective provision of information in case of an imminent threat to human health and the environment, the use of modern technologies by the public and the update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools on the basis of the prior consultation with the Parties, other interested States and stakeholders (see information document 3 (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.3) and its Addendum (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.3/Add.1).

The Task Force took stock of recent and upcoming developments with regard to public access to information related to: emissions; the application of restrictions on access to information; and the protection of whistle-blowers and other persons exercising their rights in conformity with the provisions of the Aarhus Convention.

The outcomes of the meeting will support countries’ efforts in implementing, monitoring and measuring environment-related Sustainable Development Goals, including SDGs 3 (Health), SDG 6 (Water), SDG 9 (Resilient Infrastructure), SDG 11 (Resilient and Sustainable Cities), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land) and target 10 SDG 16 (Ensure Public Access to Information), and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 

The background material for the Task Force meeting includes relevant information derived from 2017 national implementation reports  and the synthesis report, the Implementation Guide, case studies on electronic information tools, relevant the Aarhus Clearinghouse resourcesCompliance Committee findings of a systemic nature  and jurisprudence database. The Task Force on Access to Information continues its work based on the outputs of the previous meetings.

UNECE Weekly article about the meetings is available here.

IN FOCUS: The ongoing consultation on the update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools by 23 April 2020. Please see this webpage.

Background documents

Provisional Agenda (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.1) PDF    
List of speakers (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.1/Add.1) PDF    
Report of the meeting PDF PDF PDF
Key outcomes of the meeting (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.6) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
For all agenda items      
Decision VI/1 on promoting effective access to information, ECE/MP.PP/2017/8 PDF PDF PDF
Item 2. Active dissemination of environmental information      
Recommendations on electronic information tools set out in decision II/3 (document ECE/MP.PP/2005/2/Add.4) PDF PDF PDF
Report of the Task Force on Access to Information on its fifth meeting with the summary report on the assessment of the implementation of the Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on electronic information tools (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/4) PDF PDF PDF
Accompanying document to the summary report (AC/WGP-21/Inf.2) PDF    
Overview of Internet addresses relevant to the implementation of article 5 of the Aarhus Convention (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.5) PDF    
Case Studies on Electronic Information Tools      
2 (a) Effective provision of information in case of an imminent threat to human health and the environment
Overview of the provision of information in case of an imminent threat to human health and the environment in accordance with article 5, paragraph 1 (c), of the Convention (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.4) PDF    
2 (c) Update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools
Indicative timeline for the update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.2) PDF    
Update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.3)
Drafting proposals for the update (AC/TF.AI-6/Inf.3/Add.1)

Further comments received:      
by the Parties      
European Commission PDF    
by the NGOs      
Arnika PDF    
Cabinet Juris Eco Conseil and CIDCE PDF    
3. Stocktaking of recent and upcoming developments
Principles on the protection of workers from exposure to toxic substances - report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Hazardous Substances and Wastes (A/HRC/42/41)      


Statements and Presentations

Item 2: Thematic focus: Active dissemination of environmental information
(a) Effective provision of information in case of an imminent threat to human health and the environment
Setting the scene
Ms. Stephanie SPECK, Chief of Service, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction PDF    
Mr. James DOURIS, Project Officer, World Meteorological Organization PDF    
Ms. Kersten GUTSCHMIDT, Technical Officer, World Health Organization PDF    
Promoting  involvement of the public in the preparedness and response
Ms. Claudia KAMKE, Secretariat of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention PDF    
Mr. Christian MELIS, Environmental Governance Officer, Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) PDF    
Ms. Laure SINGLA, Expert, Cabinet Juris Eco Conseil   PDF  
Tools for information dissemination
Mr. Tom DE GROEVE, Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Union PDF    
Ms. Enkelejda MALAJ, Director, European Integration Directorate, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania PDF    
Mr. Joaquin CARRIL, Technical Advisor, Ministry for Ecological Transition, Spain PDF    
Ms. Shahlo AZIZBEKOVA, Chief Specialist, Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan PDF    
(b) The use of modern technologies by the public
Mr. Johannes MAYER, Head of Department, Environment Agency, Austria PDF    
Mr. Martin SKALSKY, Project Manager, Arnika PDF    
Mr. Mordechai HAKLAY, Professor, University College London PDF    
(c) Update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools
Mr. Adam Daniel NAGY, Administrator, DG Environment, European Commission PDF    
Mr. Stein Magne OS, Product Manager, Electronic Public Records, Norway PDF    
Mr. Dejan LEKIC, Head of Department, Environmental Protection Agency, Serbia PDF    
Ms. Madina TAUYEKELOVA, Head of Department, RSE on REM “Information and Analytical Center of Environment Protection”, Kazakhstan PDF   PDF
Ms. Tamara MALKOVA, Director, ICO "Green Dossier" and delegate, EaP Civil Society Forum PDF    
Ms. Marie-Pierre MEGANCK, Conseillère Environnement - Transport, Permanent Mission of France in Geneva, France      
Item 3: Stocktaking of recent and upcoming developments
Recent developments on access to environmental information and the application of restrictions
Ms. Lena HEHEMANN, Scientific Employee, Federal Office of the Environment, Switzerland PDF
Ms. Melanie CAMPBELL, Investigator, Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information, Ireland

*The speaking notes were removed at the request of OCEI and Mrs. Mary Redmond due to an erroneous statement regarding her case.
Ms. Gordana PETKOVIC, Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development, Serbia PDF    
Ms. Olga PODOSENOVA, Executive Director, NGO “Gamarjoba” PDF    
Protection of whistle-blowers and other persons exercising their rights in conformity with the Convention
Mr. Alvin GACHIE, the Office of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Hazardous substances and Wastes PDF    
Ms. Tahmina KARIMOVA, International Labour Organization PDF    
Mr. Yves LADOR, Earthjustice PDF    
Item 4: Activities under other international forums.
Ms. Tiina LUIGE, Chief, Environment and Multi-domain Statistics Section and Secretary of the CES, UNECE Statistical Division PDF    
Mr. Pierre BOILEAU, Head, Global Assessment Unit, United Nations Environment Programme PDF    
Mr. Steven RAMAGE, Head, External Relations, GEO secretariat
Mr. Argyro KAVVADA, Executive Secretary, GEO EO4SDG Initiative
Mr. Andrea CARARO, Consultant, United Nations Institute for Training and Research PDF