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Joint UNECE-EEA Workshop on Open Data for the Environment

02 October 2019
Geneva Switzerland

The UNECE – EEA joint workshop “Open Data for the Environment” was held in Geneva on 2 October 2019 back-to-back with the sixth meeting of the Aarhus Convention Task Force on Access to Information (3-4 October 2019). The event was organised under the auspices of the Task Force pursuant to decision VI/1
of the Convention’s Meeting of the Parties on promoting effective access to information (ENG, FRE, RUS).

The workshop aimed to:

(a) Strengthen the capacity of authorities to implement the information pillar of the Aarhus Convention with the focus on effective provision of information by taking the advantage of new and emerging digital technologies and on enabling the public to reuse it;

(b) Promote synergy by linking relevant initiatives of governments, partner organizations and other stakeholders to widen and improve sharing and public accessibility of environmental information, including through electronic information tools and e-government, open government data, the Shared Environmental Information System in the pan-European region and other similar initiatives;

(c) Discuss the way forward for modernising environmental information systems and raising the profile of environmental information through its accessibility, sharing and wider dissemination, as well as harnessing additional economic, social and environmental benefits;

(d) Support countries’ efforts in measuring and monitoring environment-related Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including target 16.10 on ensuring public access to information in accordance with national legislation and international agreements.

The workshop brought together the representatives of governments and stakeholders interested to share case studies, challenges and good practices in open data for the environment.

The workshop was supported by the EU-funded project of the European Environment Agency on further implementation of the Shared Environment Information System principles in the six Eastern Partnership countries (ENI SEIS II East project). The workshop also took stock of the project outputs of the first meeting on open data and e-government for the environment (Kyiv, 5-6 March 2019), national round tables in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, open data and e-government good practices for fostering environmental information sharing and dissemination, open data maturity reports, and roadmaps for these countries to improve the dissemination and sharing of environmental data through e-governance and open data initiatives.


Documents ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Programme PDF    
Chair’s summary (see document ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2020/3, Annex) PDF PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF    

Statements and Presentations

Item 2: Setting the scene: from data collection to knowledge management      
Mr. Szymon LEWANDOWSKI, Legal/Policy Officer, DG CNECT, European Commission
Open Data in the EU - current situation and outlook for the future
Ms. Daniela Cristiana DOCAN, European Environment Agency
Roadmap for integrating environmental information in national E-Governance/Open Data processes for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine
Ms. Antje LORCH, Ecoropa and European EcoForum
Why open data, accessibility and the right to reuse it are of key importance to the public
Item 3: Benefits, progress and current challenges in open data for the environment:      
Introduction to the session:      
Mr. Nicolas HAZARD, EEA project contractor for the ENI SEIS II East project funded by the European Union
Good practices and lessons learned from the project
Experiences from the Parties to the Aarhus Convention      
Ms. Narine SOLOMONYAN, Adviser to the Minister of Environment, Armenia
Dissemination of environmental information in Armenia
Mr. Tural MAMMADOV, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan
Dissemination of environmental information in Azerbaijan
Mr. Alexander MAKARENKO, Consultant, Ministry of Communication and Information
Practical Application of the National Open Data Portal in Belarus


Ms. Elena BOGODYAZH, Head of Service for environmental information, Republican Centre for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radioactive Contamination and Environmental Monitoring, Belarus
Future steps in modernising environmental information system and active dissemination of environment information in Belarus
Ms. Andrina CRNJAK THAVENET, Head of Sector, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Croatia
Croatian Environmental Information System (CEIS)
Ms. Tamar ALADASHVILI, Director, Environmental Information and Education Centre, Georgia
Management and Dissemination of Environmental Information in Georgia
Ms. Deirdre KIRWAN, Senior Scientific Officer, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Developing modern environmental information systems
Ms. Silvia NICOLAESCU, Head of Division, Environmental Agency, Republic of Moldova
Ms. Elena ORLOVA, Head of Division, National Statistical Committee, Republic of Moldova
Environmental Information System and Dissemination in the Republic of Moldova
Mr. Martin TUCHYNA, GEOICT specialist, Ministry of Environment, Slovakia
Potential and Challenges of Open Data in Enabling Access to Environmental Information from the Slovak Perspective
Ms. Galina SIEROVA, Director, Aarhus Centre Kyiv, Ukraine
Mr. Dmytro AVERIN, National SEIS Assistant, Ukraine
Open Data in Providing Public Access to Environmental Information in Ukraine

Documents related to ENI SEIS II East Project (courtesy by EEA)

Documents ENG FRE RUS
Good practice Report PDF    
Open data maturity reports      
Armenia PDF    
Azerbaijan PDF    
Belarus PDF    
Georgia PDF    
Repulic of Moldova PDF    
Ukraine PDF