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Download Documents for Seventeenth session of the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1e.pdf ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1e.pdf (application/pdf, 364.48 KB) English Annotated provisional agenda for the 17th session
ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1f.pdf ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1f.pdf (application/pdf, 225.75 KB) French Annotated provisional agenda for the 17th session
ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1r.pdf ECE-AC.21-SC-2019-1--EUPCR1814179-2.1-THE PEP SC-1r.pdf (application/pdf, 396.22 KB) Russian Annotated provisional agenda for the 17th session
1922630E.pdf 1922630E.pdf (application/pdf, 425.36 KB) English Report of the 17th session of the Steering Committee
1922630F (1).pdf 1922630F (1).pdf (application/pdf, 315.4 KB) French Report of the 17th session of the Steering Committee
1922630R.pdf 1922630R.pdf (application/pdf, 310.2 KB) Russian Report of the 17th session of the Steering Committee
1913454E.pdf 1913454E.pdf (application/pdf, 304.66 KB) English Draft Declaration of the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment
1913454F.pdf 1913454F.pdf (application/pdf, 267.28 KB) French Draft Declaration of the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment
1913454R.pdf 1913454R.pdf (application/pdf, 285.56 KB) Russian Draft Declaration of the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment
doc 4 e 1913462E (2).pdf doc 4 e 1913462E (2).pdf (application/pdf, 276.96 KB) English Draft Programme of work for 2019-2020
ece_ac.21_sc_2019_4 (2)F .pdf ece_ac.21_sc_2019_4 (2)F .pdf (application/pdf, 174.67 KB) French Draft Programme of work for 2019-2020
ece_ac.21_sc_2019_4_Rpdf.pdf ece_ac.21_sc_2019_4_Rpdf.pdf (application/pdf, 230.6 KB) Russian Draft Programme of work for 2019-2020
G1930996.pdf G1930996.pdf (application/pdf, 245.46 KB) English Status of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme Trust Fund
1913456E.pdf 1913456E.pdf (application/pdf, 904.73 KB) English Draft Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
1913456F.pdf 1913456F.pdf (application/pdf, 934.84 KB) French Draft Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
1913456R.pdf 1913456R.pdf (application/pdf, 1022.85 KB) Russian Draft Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
ece_ac.21_sc_2019_E_1.pdf ece_ac.21_sc_2019_E_1.pdf (application/pdf, 286.06 KB) English Workplan for 2020-2025
ece_ac.21_sc_2019_7 F_0.pdf ece_ac.21_sc_2019_7 F_0.pdf (application/pdf, 240.25 KB) French Workplan for 2020-2025
ece_ac21_sc_2019_7 R _0.pdf ece_ac21_sc_2019_7 R _0.pdf (application/pdf, 409.34 KB) Russian Workplan for 2020-2025
1913458E.pdf 1913458E.pdf (application/pdf, 333.25 KB) English Executive summary of the study on jobs in green and healthy transport
1913458F.pdf 1913458F.pdf (application/pdf, 214.77 KB) French Executive summary of the study on jobs in green and healthy transport
1913458R (1).pdf 1913458R (1).pdf (application/pdf, 515.87 KB) Russian Executive summary of the study on jobs in green and healthy transport
1913459E_0 (1).pdf 1913459E_0 (1).pdf (application/pdf, 175.54 KB) English Executive summary of the study on managed mobility
1913459F (1).pdf 1913459F (1).pdf (application/pdf, 180.97 KB) French Executive summary of the study on managed mobility
9 R 1913459R.pdf 9 R 1913459R.pdf (application/pdf, 364.04 KB) Russian Executive summary of the study on managed mobility
INFO 2 E ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_e (1).pdf INFO 2 E ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_e (1).pdf (application/pdf, 454.83 KB) English Report of the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme on its sixteenth session and report on the thirty-fourth meeting of the Bureau
INFO 2 FR ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_f (2).pdf INFO 2 FR ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_f (2).pdf (application/pdf, 339.28 KB) French Report of the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme on its sixteenth session and report on the thirty-fourth meeting of the Bureau
INFO 2 ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_r (2).pdf INFO 2 ece_ac_21_sc_2018_2_r (2).pdf (application/pdf, 496.95 KB) Russian Report of the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme on its sixteenth session and report on the thirty-fourth meeting of the Bureau
Informal doinfo 1 cument 01- Draft Report of the 35th meeting of THE PEP Bureau_2-3 May Malta (1).pdf Informal doinfo 1 cument 01- Draft Report of the 35th meeting of THE PEP Bureau_2-3 May Malta (1).pdf (application/pdf, 198.97 KB) English Report on the thirty-fifth meeting of the Bureau Informal document No. 1
Informal document 02 - Draft Report_36th Bureau meeting_Bonn_1-2 July.pdf Informal document 02 - Draft Report_36th Bureau meeting_Bonn_1-2 July.pdf (application/pdf, 172.9 KB) English Report on the thirty-sixth meeting of the Bureau Informal document No. 2
Informal document 03 - Preliminary outline for an overview on THE PEP facts and figures UPLOADED.pdf Informal document 03 - Preliminary outline for an overview on THE PEP facts and figures UPLOADED.pdf (application/pdf, 228.62 KB) English Reviewing facts and figures on transport, health and environment Informal document No. 3
Informal document 04Tentative Programme_2019-10-18.pdf Informal document 04Tentative Programme_2019-10-18.pdf (application/pdf, 159.5 KB) English Draft programme for the Fifth High-level Meeting Informal document No. 4
Informal document 05 - Proposed Work Plan Activities for THE PEP Academy.pdf Informal document 05 - Proposed Work Plan Activities for THE PEP Academy.pdf (application/pdf, 196.4 KB) English Workplan for activities of the PEP Academy in 2018-2019 Informal document No. 5
Informal document 06 - Assessment of the Regional Overview (002) for upload.pdf Informal document 06 - Assessment of the Regional Overview (002) for upload.pdf (application/pdf, 228.79 KB) English Outline of previous regional overviews of implementation of the Paris Declaration Informal document No. 6
Informal document 07 -Communication activities for 2020.pdf Informal document 07 -Communication activities for 2020.pdf (application/pdf, 233.23 KB) English Proposed communication plan for the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment and communication activities for 2020 Informal document No. 7
Informal document 08 Study on green and healthy jobs in transport.pdf Informal document 08 Study on green and healthy jobs in transport.pdf (application/pdf, 2.59 MB) English Jobs in green and healthy transport: Making the green shift Informal document No. 9
Informal document 09 Mobility Management (1).pdf Informal document 09 Mobility Management (1).pdf (application/pdf, 5 MB) English Mobility management: a guide on international good practices Informal document 10
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