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Stakeholder Consultation – National Policy Dialogues on Industrial Safety

Stakeholder Consultation – National Policy Dialogues on Industrial Safety

20 September 2023 8:30 - 18:30
Belgrade Serbia

List of participants 
Meeting conclusions 


  • Review, discuss and agree on the National Programme for Industrial Safety of Serbia
  • Agree on the timeline and actions to be taken to finalize the National Programme for Industrial Safety of Serbia
  • Share information on on-going work, priorities and gaps with regard to industrial accidents prevention, preparedness and response in Serbia
  • Increase the capacity of all relevant stakeholders dealing with industrial safety, disaster risk reduction and related policy areas
  • Strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation between all relevant actors
  • Identify further needs for technical cooperation and capacity building and next steps in the National Policy Dialogues (NPD) for Industrial Safety process in Serbia
  • Review overall progress towards the full implementation of the Industrial Accidents Convention and other international frameworks

Information on the Launch and First NPD meetings is available on the respective meetings’ web-pages. The presentations delivered at the Stakeholder Consultation are available below.

Opening and setting the scene

Ms. Liza Rubach, Assistance and Cooperation Programme Manager, Industrial Accidents Convention, UNECE


Mr. Slobodan Tosović, National Expert under Serbian NPD Process: Presentation of the draft National Programme for Industrial Safety in Serbia

Ms. Suzana Milutinovic, Focal Point to the Industrial Accidents Convention, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia: Timeline and next steps to finalize the National Programme for Industrial Safety and priority topics to be addressed under NPD process

Mr. Slobodan Tosović, National Expert under Serbian NPD Process: Presentation of the draft National Programme for Industrial Safety in Serbia

Ms. Suzana Milutinovic, Focal Point to the Industrial Accidents Convention, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia: Timeline and next steps to finalize the National Programme for Industrial Safety and priority topics to be addressed under NPD process


Mr. Chris Dijkens, International Expert under Serbian NPD Process: International best practices and recommendations to developing industrial safety programmes/strategies

Mr. Bertrand Dagallier, Principal Administrator, Chemical Accidents Programme, OECD: New OECD Legal Instrument and Guiding Principles on Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Mr. Miljan Rančić, Env.Eng., MSc, National Professional Officer for Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR, WHO: Development of the Health Sector’s National Contingency Plan for Chemical Accidents

Mr. Bojan Srdić, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Sector for Management of Environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia, JEG Co-chair: Prevention of accidental water pollution: Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents (JEG)

Mr. Chris Dijkens, International Expert under Serbian NPD Process: International best practices and recommendations to developing industrial safety programmes/strategies

Mr. Bertrand Dagallier, Principal Administrator, Chemical Accidents Programme, OECD: New OECD Legal Instrument and Guiding Principles on Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Mr. Miljan Rančić, Env.Eng., MSc, National Professional Officer for Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR, WHO: Development of the Health Sector’s National Contingency Plan for Chemical Accidents

Mr. Bojan Srdić, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Sector for Management of Environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia, JEG Co-chair: Prevention of accidental water pollution: Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents (JEG)

Mr. Chris Dijkens, International Expert under Serbian NPD Process: International best practices and recommendations to developing industrial safety programmes/strategies

Mr. Bertrand Dagallier, Principal Administrator, Chemical Accidents Programme, OECD: New OECD Legal Instrument and Guiding Principles on Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Mr. Miljan Rančić, Env.Eng., MSc, National Professional Officer for Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR, WHO: Development of the Health Sector’s National Contingency Plan for Chemical Accidents

Mr. Bojan Srdić, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Sector for Management of Environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia, JEG Co-chair: Prevention of accidental water pollution: Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents (JEG)

Mr. Chris Dijkens, International Expert under Serbian NPD Process: International best practices and recommendations to developing industrial safety programmes/strategies

Mr. Bertrand Dagallier, Principal Administrator, Chemical Accidents Programme, OECD: New OECD Legal Instrument and Guiding Principles on Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Mr. Miljan Rančić, Env.Eng., MSc, National Professional Officer for Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR, WHO: Development of the Health Sector’s National Contingency Plan for Chemical Accidents

Mr. Bojan Srdić, Section for Major Chemical Accident Protection, Sector for Management of Environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia, JEG Co-chair: Prevention of accidental water pollution: Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents (JEG)