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Working group on SEA and EIA legal drafting in Kazakhstan

Working group on SEA and EIA legal drafting in Kazakhstan

15 - 16 February 2018
Astana Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan as a Party to the UNECE Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo Convention) since 2001, targets to introduce solid legislative framework on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in line with the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA. This initiative is seen as valuable contribution to the on-going "green" economic reforms in the country with the ownership of the Ministry of Energy of Republic of Kazakhstan.

To support the process the harmonization of legislation is being currently built on the results of the Review and analysis of the legislation of Kazakhstan regarding the implementation of the UNECE Protocol on SEA (SEA Review) as of 2017 and recent EIA Review that examined the existing EIA scheme Kazkhstan vis-a-vis the requirements of the UNECE Espoo Convention. Both reviews provided concrete proposals for appropriate legislative reforms, aiming at amending the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and relevant sectoral legislation.

Based on the above the working group meeting was devoted to the existing gaps and needs in the SEA and EIA legal framework, including the transboundary procedures and solutions as provided in the developed by experts EIA Review.

All in all, the working group brought together up to 20 participants: members of the Ministry's working group on environmental legislation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, responsible for strategic planning and EIA implementation, international legal consultants and national legal experts. It was aimed to contribute to better awareness on the legal standards and requirements of the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA and to result in specific recommendations for the scope and course of SEA and EIA legislative reforms with a consideration of alternative scenarios.

It is the first in the sequence of working group meetings, organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan in the framework of the project "Supporting Kazakhstan's Transition to a Green Economy Model" with the funding from the EU Commission and the OSCE Programme Office in Astana.


Document title    
Agenda ENG RUS
List of participants ENG  
Report ENG  
Presentations by Mr. Jerzy Jendrośka, international expert on EIA and SEA legal drafting    

Concept of SEA, role in decision-making


Field of application: Strategic documents covered by SEA cheme


Procedural elements of SEA


SEA reform: legislative technique


Concept of EIA, international obligations and role of EIA Review


Place of EIA in development control, activities subject to EIA, and screening


Scoping and EIA Report


Public participation


Role of environmental and health authorities


Transboundary procedures


Taking into account the results of EIA into the final decision


Post-project analysis