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Third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health

Third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health

25 - 27 November 2013
Oslo Norway

The third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health took place on 25-27 November 2013 in Oslo, Norway. It was organized by UNECE and WHO Regional Office for Europe at the kind invitation of the Government of Norway. Some 150 participants, representing Parties and non-Parties from the UNECE region, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations attended the third session of the Meeting of the Parties. The meeting began with a special session on equitable access to water and sanitation.

Третья сессия Совещания Сторон Протокола по проблемам воды и здоровья состоялась 25-27 ноября 2013 года в г. Осло, Норвегия. Она была организована ЕЭК ООН и Европейским региональным бюро ВОЗ по приглашению правительства Норвегии. В третьей сессии Совещания Сторон приняли участие около 150 делегатов, представлявших как Стороны Протокола, так и страны, не являющиеся Сторонами, из региона ЕЭК ООН, а также межправительственные и неправительственные организации. Совещание открыла специальная сессия по равному доступу к воде и санитарии.

Main decisions

The Meeting of the Parties adopted several decisions and a new programme of work.

A new programme of work to further strengthen the promotion of human health and well-being and the reduction of water related diseases

Parties adopted the new programme of work for 2014-2016. Work on improving governance for water and health by supporting the setting of targets and implementing measures, as well as work on the prevention and reduction of water related diseases, will remain the cornerstones of the work under the Protocol. Further work on small-scale water supply and sanitation and equitable access to water and sanitation to translate the human right to water and sanitation into practice will be carried out.
Assistance to countries to support implementation at the national level and the work of the Compliance Committee will also contribute to facilitate implementation of the Protocol.
In addition, in order to answer to today’s challenges, a new area of work was included on safe and efficient management of water supply and sanitation systems.

Three new publications to support the implementation of the Protocol

Three new publications were adopted:

Главные решения

Главные решения

Совещание Сторон приняло несколько решений и новую программу работы.

Новая программа работы по дальнейшему усилению пропаганды здоровья и благополучия населения, а также по сокращению заболеваний, связанных с водой

Стороны приняли новую программу работы на 2014-2016 годы. Работа по повышению эффективности управления в секторе воды и здравоохранения посредством поддержки процесса установления целевых показателей и реализации мер, а также деятельность по предотвращению и сокращению заболеваний, связанных с водой, останутся главными составляющими работы в рамках Протокола. Будет продолжена работа по маломасштабным системам водоснабжения и санитарии и обеспечению равного доступа к воде и санитарии, направленная на реализацию на практике права человека на воду и санитарию.

Помощь странам в поддержке осуществления на национальном уровне и работа Комитета по вопросам соблюдения также будут способствовать реализации Протокола.

Кроме того, для решения актуальных проблем была добавлена новая область деятельности по безопасному и эффективному управлению системами водоснабжения и санитарии.

Три новые публикации для поддержки реализации Протокола

Были утверждены три новые публикации:

-    Никто не обойден вниманием: Передовые практики обеспечения равного доступа к воде и санитарии в панъевропейском регионе,

-     Инструмент для оценки равного доступа: В поддержку процесса разработки политики обеспечения  права человека на воду и санитарию,

-    DocРуководство по участию общественности в рамках Протокола по проблемам воды и здоровья.

Compliance Committee

The following members were elected to serve in the Compliance Committee of the Protocol on Water and Health:

Mr. Pierre Chantrel

Mr. Oddvar Lindholm

Mr. Vadam Ni

Mr. Ilya Trombitsky

Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst


The Meeting of the Parties elected its Bureau as follows:

Name Title
Pierre Studer (Switzerland) Chair
Marta Vargha (Hungary) Vice-Chair
Kjetil Tveitan (Norway) Vice-Chair
Alena Drazdova (Belarus) Member of the Bureau
Jarkko Rapala (Finland) Member of the Bureau
Yannick Pavageau (France) Member of the Bureau
Bettina Rickert (Germany) Member of the Bureau
Luis Simas (Portugal) Member of the Bureau
Ana Drapa (Romania) Member of the Bureau

High-level Segment

The high-level segment was held on 25 November 2013. It was divided in two parts:
-    the opening session;
-    the special session on equitable access to water and sanitation “Fair and smart ways to reach universal access”, which addressed advances in equitable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in the pan-European region, remaining challenges for the work under the Protocol and views on and expectations for future actions to be taken to eliminate disparities.
For more information, see the Concept note and Programme of the special session on equitable access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as the statements of the opening session, statements by panellists and interventions from the floor (in the table below).

The video recording of the session is available on YouTube.

Please also consult the IISD briefing note on the special session on equiatble access to water and sanitation.

Opening session ENG
Mr. Bent Høye, Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services PDF
Mr. Lars Andreas Lunde, State secretary of the Norwegian Ministry of Environment PDF
Mr. Marco Keiner, Director of the Environment Division, on behalf of the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF
Mr. Guénaël Rodier, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Health Security and Environment, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe PDF
Mr. Pierre Studer, Switzerland, Newly elected chair of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health PDF
Special session on equitable access to water and sanitation  
Key note speeches: challenges and way forward  
Mr. Graham Alabaster, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat PDF
Mr. Manuel Thurnhofer, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation PDF
High level statements by countries  
1. Importance of international cooperation to secure equitable access to water globally  
Ms. Carola Bjorklund, Ambassador to the Council of Europe Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway PDF
Mr. Chyngysbek Uzakbaev, Minister of Agriculture and Melioration, Kyrgyzstan PDF
Ms. Ermina Salkicevic-Dizdarevic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relation, Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
2. Challenges and success stories as a way forward  
Ms. Svetlana Cotelea, Deputy Minister of Health, Republic of Moldova PDF
Mr. Milan Simurdic, Ambassador, Embassy of Serbia in Norway PDF
3. Successful participatory approaches for sustainability and relevance  
Mr. Ionut-Ciprian Iuga, State Secretary, Department for Waters, Forests and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Romania PDF
Panel discussion  
Mr. Paulo Lemos, Secretary of State for Environment, Portugal  
Ms. Zsuzsanna Steindl-Kerekes, Ministry of Rural Development, Hungary PDF
Ms. Anna Tsvietkova, NGO EcoForum and MAMA-86 PDF
Mr. Tom Williams, International Water Association (IWA)  

Side Event

Side event Room ENG RUS Presentation
Tuesday, 26 November, 1:30-2:30pm        
Policy and practice for safe drinking water
Organizer: The International Water Association (IWA)
Store sal PDF PDF PDF
Sharing experiences towards improving small-scale water supply systems
Co-organizers: WHO/Europe, UBA, Ministry of Health of Tajikistan, NCDC, WECF, Earth Forever
Lille sal PDF PDF  
Youth and the Protocol on Water and Health: True partnership for mutual benefit
Organizer: European Environment and Health Youth Coalition (EEHYC)
Hjørneværelset PDF    
Wednesday, 27 November, 1:00-2:00pm        
The water projects of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Implementing projects under the extreme affordability constraints:
experience and lessons learned
Organizer: the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Store sal PDF PDF PDF
Relevance and impact of the informal procedure of the Compliance Committee
Organizer: Earthjustice
Lille sal PDF    
Implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Moldova Hjørneværelset PDF PDF  


Document title ENG FRE RUS
Post-session documentation      
Report of the Meeting of the Parties
Programme of work for 2014-2016
Decision III/1 on general issues of compliance
List of participants PDF    
Documents for all agenda items      
Annotated provisional agenda

Information document
Provisional organization of work for the third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health

Item 2. Constitution of the third session of Meeting of the Parties      
Information document
Status of ratification of the Protocol on Water and Health
Item 3. Elections of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the third session of the Meeting of the Parties      
Rules of procedure for the meetings of the Parties to the Protocol
Item 4. Special session on equitable access to drinking water and sanitation      
Information documents      
Concept note of the special session on equitable access to drinking water and sanitation
Programme of the special session on equitable access to drinking water and sanitation
Item 5. Elections of other members of the bureau      
Rules of procedure for the meetings of the Parties to the Protocol
Item 6. Status of implementation of the Protocol on Water and Healh      
(b) Report on activities of relevance under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe      
Report on implementation of the European Union Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues on Integrated Water Resources Management and on Water Supply and Sanitation
(c) Report on activities of relevance under the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe      
Decision I/1 on mainstreaming activities and priorities of work under the Protocol into the policymaking of the World Health Organization
Item 7. Review of past activities and discussion of future activities in the different areas of work      
Documents for action      
Report on the implementation of the programme of work for 2011– 2013,
including an overview of contributions and expenditures
Draft programme of work for 2014-2016
Background documents      
Programme of work for 2011–2013
ECE/MP.WH/4/Add.1− EURHP1003944/4.2/1/06/Add.1
Report of the Working Group on Water and Health on its fourth meeting
Report of the Working Group on Water and Health on its fifth meeting
Report of the Working Group on Water and Health on its sixth meeting
(a) Target setting and reporting      
Document for action      
Regional report on the status of implementation of the Protocol
Background documents      
Lessons learned and future work on target setting and reporting
Guidelines on the Setting of Targets, Evaluation of Progress and Reporting PDF PDF PDF
Guidelines and template for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health (ECE/MP.WH/2010/L.5–EUDHP1003944/4.2/1/7, as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its second session (see ECE/MP.WH/4–EUDHP1003944/4.2/1/06) PDF PDF PDF
Template for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health DOC DOC DOC
Information documents      
National summary reports submitted by Parties and other States (click here)      
(b) Surveillance and early warning systems, contingency plans and response capacities      
Background document      
Policy guidance on water-related disease surveillance PDF   PDF
Technical guidance on water-related disease surveillance PDF   PDF
Information document      
Flyer - Atlas on Water and Health PDF   PDF
(c) Cross-cutting issues: small-scale water supplies and sanitation and water supply and sanitation under extreme weather events and the impact of climate change      
Background documents      
Small-scale water supplies in the pan-European region: Background. Challenges. Improvements PDF   PDF
Guidance on water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events PDF   PDF
Information document      
Outline of the policy guidance document "Small-scale water supplies and sanitation in the pan-European region: Policy instruments and programmes towards improvement"
(e) Compliance procedure      
Document for action      
Report of the Compliance Committee to the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol
on Water and Health
Background document      
Decision I/2 on review of compliance
Decision II/1 on general issues of compliance
ECE/MP.WH/4/Add.2− EUDHP1003944/4.2/1/06/Add.2
Information documents      
List of provisionally nominated candidates for the Compliance Committee
Mr. Pierre Chantrel, France PDF    
Mr. Oddvar Lindholm, Norway PDF    
Mr. Vadim Ni, Kazakhstan PDF    
Mr. Ilya Trombitsky, Republic of Moldova PDF    
Mr. Serhiy Vykhryst, Ukraine PDF    
Terms of reference of the Consultation Process under the Compliance Committee PDF PDF PDF
(f) Promotion of the Protocol and advocacy      
Background document      
How to better promote the Convention and its Protocol on Water and Health: a guide for focal points
(g) Public awareness, access to information and public participation      
Guide to public participation under the Protocol on Water and Health PDF    
(h) Equitable access      
No one left behind: Good practices to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region see publication
Information paper      
Summary of the finding of the quintile analysis in access to drinking-water and sanitation for three countries in the European region
The equitable access score card: Supporting policy processes to achieve the human right to water and sanitation
Item 9. Programme of work for 2014–2016, terms of reference of bodies established to implement it and resources needed for its implementation      
Documents for action      
Report on the implementation of the programme of work for 2011– 2013,
including an overview of contributions and expenditures
Draft programme of work for 2014-2016
Information document      
Provisional calendar of meetings under the Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health for 2014
Proposal for a PPPs International Specialist Centre on Water
Background document      
Decision I/5 on financial arrangements to support the implementation of the Protocol


Presentation title ENG
Item 6. Status of implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health  
(b) Report on activities of relevance under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe  
Water Convention activities and areas for cooperation
Mr. Massimo Cozzone, Chair of the Bureau of the Water Convention
Activities in support of the Protocol: EU Water Initiative (EUWI) National Policy Dialogues in countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
Ms. Ana Drapa, Romania
(c) Report on activities of relevance under the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe  
Activities of relevance under the WHO Regional Office for Europe
Mr. Srdan Matic, WHO/Europe
Item 7. Review of past activities and discussion of future activities in the different areas of work  
(a) Target setting and reporting  
Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting: Achievements – 2011-2013
Mr. Pierre Studer, Switzerland
Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting: Programme of work 2014-2016
Mr. Pierre Studer, Switzerland
Target setting and reporting: Results of the second reporting exercise
Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
(b) Surveillance and early warning systems, contingency plans and response capacities  
Surveillance and early warning systems, contingency plans and response capacities:
-    Achievements and challenges 2011-2013 M
-    Mainstreamed WHO activities (Soil-transmitted helminths and the Atlas on Water and Health)
-    Proposed activities for 2014-2016
Mr. Enzo Funari, Italy; Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe; Ms. Enkhtsetseg Shinee, WHO/Europe; Mr. Thomas Kistemann, Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, University Bonn, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health
(c) Cross-cutting issues: small-scale water supplies and sanitation and water supply and sanitation under extreme weather events and the impact of climate change  
Small-scale water supplies and sanitation
Ms. Bettina Rickert, Germany
(g) Public awareness, access to information and public participation  
Public awareness, access to information and public participation
Ms. Ana Drapa, Romania
Guide to Public Participation
Ms. Anke Stock, WECF
(h) Equitable access  
Equitable access to water and sanitation
Mr. Yannick Pavageau, France
Assessing progress in achieving equitable access to water and sanitation – pilot project in Portugal
Mr. Luis Simas, ERSAR, Portugal
Wealth quintile analysis
Ms. Enkhtsetseg Shinee, WHO/Europe
Item 8. The Protocol on Water and Health and relevant global processes and initiatives  
Global processes and initiatives: Regional highlights from the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)
Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe
Post-2015 development agenda sustainable development goals and water
Mr. Nicholas Bonvoisin, UNECE
Item 9. Programme of work for 2014–2016, terms of reference of bodies established to implement it and resources needed for its implementation  
Overview of financial resources 2011-2013
Mr. Nicholas Bonvoisin, UNECE & Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe
Programme of work 2014-2016 PDF
Item 13. Presentation of the main decisions  
Informal summary of the decisions taken PDF


Photos: Kjetil Lier Svendsen/DSS

Mr. Bent Hoie, Minister of Health and Care Services of Norway and Mr. Marco Keiner, Director of the Environment Division, UNECE
Mr. Kjetil Tveitan, Norway, Chair of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health (2011-2013)
Mr. Bent Hoie, Minister of Health and Care Services of Norway
Mr. Lars Andreas Lunde, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment of Norway
Mr. Marco Keiner, Director of the Environment Division, UNECE
Mr. Guénaël Rodier, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Health Security and Environment, WHO/Europe (on the right)
Mr. Pierre Studer, Switzerland, new Chair of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health (2014-2016)
Mr. Oliver Schmoll, Co-Secretary to the Protocol on Water and Health, WHO/Europe (on the left) and Mr. Nicholas Bonvoisin, Co-Secretary to the Protocol on Water and Health, UNECE
Mr. Harsha Ratnaweera, Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Mr. Benoit Vallet, General Director of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, France
Mr. Manuel Thurshofer, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (on the left)
Mr. Graham Alabaster, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat
Ms. Carola Bjorklund, Ambassador to the Council of Europe Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Mr. Chyngysbek Uzakbaev, Minister of Agriculture and Melioration, Kyrgyzstan
Ms. Ermina Salkicevic-Dizdarevic, Deputy Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relation, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ms. Svetlana Cotelea, Deputy Minister of Health, Republic of Moldova
Mr. Milan Simurdic, Ambassador, Embassy of Serbia in Norway
Mr. Ionut-Ciprian Iuga, State Secretary, Department of Waters, Forests and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Romania
Panel discussion on equitable access to water and sanitation
Mr. Paulo Lemos, Secretary of State for Environment, Portugal
Ms. Zsuzsanna Steindl-Kerekes, Ministry of Rural Development, Hungary
Ms. Anna Tsvietkova, NGO EcoForum and MAMA-86
Mr. Tom Williams, International Water Association (IWA)