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Forty-sixth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Seed Potatoes (GE.6)

Forty-sixth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Seed Potatoes (GE.6)

18 - 19 March 2019
Room VIII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Post-session documents

Session documents
Document Symbol Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Agenda item 1: Adoption of the Agenda
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/1 Annotated provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF
Agenda item 2: Matters arising since the last session
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2018/2 Report of the Working Party PDF PDF PDF
Agenda item 3: Draft guide on minituber production
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/INF.1 Draft guide on minituber production PDF    
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/INF.2 Comments by France on minituber production PDF    
Agenda item 4: Results of the survey on seed potatoes virus testing methods
  Background PDF    
  Draft summary report of the survey on seed potato virus testing methods PDF    
Agenda item 5: Draft survey on bacterial testing methodologies
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/5 Revised draft survey on bacterial testing methodologies PDF    
Agenda item 6: Discussion on diseases and pests: Liberibacter, Andean Potato Weevil and Tomato Potato Psyllid
Presentation of Finland on Liberibacter research  PDF
Agenda item 7: True Potato Seed
Agenda item 8: Review of risk-based inspections
Agenda item 9: Capacity-building
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/6 Revised draft guide on capacity-building PDF PDF PDF
Seed Potato Disease Guide App!/search
Agenda item 10: Future work
Agenda item 11: Other business
Agenda item 12: Election of Officers
Agenda item 13: Adoption of the report
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2019/2 Report PDF PDF PDF
  List of participants PDF