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Informal Preparatory Meeting on the UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency

Informal Preparatory Meeting on the UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency

01 September 2014
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Summary of Actions_Sept.2014

Summary of discussions at the Informal Preparatory Meeting of the  UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency held on 1 September 2014 [8 October 2014]

EE is a “much needed fuel to the economy”, as energy demand and global energy prices continue to grow, along with proliferation of pollution from conventional energy sources. From 1990 to 2000, world population has quadrupled whereas energy consumption has increased by a factor of 16. As a result, there is an increase in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), 59% of which are related to carbon dioxide release from fossil fuel combustion. " On 1 September 2014 international energy experts and UNECE member States discussed how to increase the uptake of energy efficiency measures in the region, and which role the newly established Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency could play.


Document Title ENG
Agenda PDF
Summary of discussions PDF


Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Energy Efficiency Statistics for ECE Region
Scott Foster, Director, UNECE Sustainable Energy Division
UN Economic Commission for Europe Housing and Land Management
Gulnara Roll, Head, Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE
Energy Efficiency: What works and what does not. Why?
Benoît Lebot, Executive Director, IPEEC
Opportunities for UNECE to contribute to the SE4All Energy Efficiency Target
Tim Farrell, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Amory Lovins: "A 40-year Plan for Energy" Ted Talk PDF    
Supporting financial institutions of Europe and central Asia in developing energy efficiency lending products- IFC Approach and experience
Elena Shonya, Operations Officer, IFC ECA SEF Program
Conclusions PDF