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Online awareness raising workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Tajikistan

Online awareness raising workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Tajikistan

17 March 2021
Dushanbe Tajikistan

The awareness raising workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment is organized within the project “Strengthening national and regional capacities and co-operation on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Central Asia, including as a response to climate change” implemented by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The aim of the event is to support introduction of the national SEA system in Tajikistan as well as to get a feedback from the relevant stakeholders on the needs regarding building capacities for SEA application.


9589 _ AGENDA _ 354816 _ English _ 773 _ 323661 _ pdf
9589 _ AGENDA _ 354816 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323662 _ pdf
9589 _ List of participants _ 354817 _ English _ 773 _ 323663 _ pdf
9589 _ State of development of SEA in Tajikistan _ 354818 _ Tajik _ 886 _ 323664 _ pdf