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Regional training session on identification of hazardous activities for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

Regional training session on identification of hazardous activities for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

22 November (10:00) - 23 November (18:00) 2011
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The objective of the training session was twofold: (i) to improve the knowledge of governmental experts in the area of identification of hazardous activities under the Convention and under the Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC) as well as to enhance awareness of industry with respect to the potential risk of hazardous activities; and (ii) to discuss with representatives of the countries about the follow-up to the workshop on indicators and criteria for the implementation of the Strategic Approach (Bratislava, 3-6 May 2011).


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda PDF - -
Meeting report PDF - -


Document Title ENG RUS
DAY 1  Tuesday, 22 November 2011    
Setting the scene: The identification of hazardous activities PDF PDF
The Convention in Kyrgyzstan: The implementation of the Convention in Kyrgyzstan PDF PDF
The Convention in Tajikistan: The implementation of the Convention in Tajikistan – Mr. Djamshed Kamalov, Representative of the Committee for Emergency Situations PDF PDF
SESSION I – The identification of hazardous activities under the Convention    
The identification of hazardous activities in the framework of the Industrial Accidents Convention – Ms. Virginia Fusé, Secretariat of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents PDF PDF
Identification of hazardous activities in Tajikistan: Legal framework for collecting, processing and maintaining information on hazardous activities and experiences from the country – Mr. Hursand Nasriev, Representative of Gosgortechnadsor,Tajikistan PDF PDF
Identification of hazardous activities in Kyrgyzstan: Legal framework for collecting, processing and maintaining information on hazardous activities and experiences from the country – Representative from Kyrgyzstan PDF PDF
The Italian approach to the identification of hazardous activities under the Convention – Mr. Giorgio Mattiello (Italy) PDF PDF
The Serbian approach to the identification of hazardous activities under the Convention – Ms. Suzana Milutinovic (Serbia) PDF PDF
Discussion on possible ways forward for collecting, processing and maintaining information on hazardous activities – Mr. Viktor Novikov, Moderator PDF PDF
SESSION II – Annex I to the Convention as an instrument to identify hazardous activities    
Annex I of the Convention and its application for the identification of hazardous activities – Mr. Giorgio Mattiello PDF PDF
Annex I of the Convention and Annex I of the Seveso II Directive: Two harmonized approaches for the same aim – Ms. Suzana Milutinovic PDF PDF
Case study: Case study on identification of hazardous activities using Annex I – Mr. Giorgio Mattiello PDF PDF
SESSION III – Location criteria for the identification of hazardous activities – Application of scenarios, risk assessment and location criteria    
Location criteria for activities involving substance that may be released in to water paths and air path in case of accidents – Ms. Suzana Milutinovic PDF PDF
DAY 2  Wednesday, 23 November 2011    
Continuation of SESSION III    
Case study on “worst-case scenario” –  Mr. Giorgio Mattiello (Italy) PDF PDF
The way forward for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan – Mr. Viktor Novikov, Moderator PDF PDF
SESSION IV – Follow-up to the workshop on indicators and criteria    
Summary of the main outcomes from the workshop on indicators and criteria – Ms. Virginia Fusé PDF PDF
Example of a self-assessment of a country – Ms. Suzana Milutinovic PDF PDF
The advantage of using indicators and criteria for the preparation of project proposals – Mr. Giorgio Mattiello PDF PDF
The essential elements of a project proposal – Ms. Virginia Fusé PDF PDF
Results – Update from Kyrgyzstan after the participation to the workshop on indicators and criteria PDF PDF
Results – Update from Tajikistan after the participation to the workshop on indicators and criteria PDF PDF