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Workshop on joint monitoring and assessment of shared water basins, including early warning and alarm systems

Workshop on joint monitoring and assessment of shared water basins, including early warning and alarm systems

31 October - 02 November 2005
Tbilisi Georgia

The Workshop on Joint monitoring and assessment of shared water basins, including early warning and alarm systems was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 31 October to 2 November 2005. The Finnish Environment Institute funded the workshop. The workshop was prepared in cooperation with the Finnish Environment Institute, the Ministry of Environment of Georgia and the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus.

More than 50 experts from EECCA countries involved in monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters, from ministries of environment, ministries of water, national water committees, national hydrometeorological institutes, regional cooperation organizations and NGOS, participated in the workshop (see list of participants).

The workshop reviewed practices of monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters in EECCA, main challenges, specific solutions recently developed and lessons-learned from international projects, and identified areas where further progress is needed (click here for a summary of the workshop's conclusions).

Furthermore the workshop contributed to the development of the first Assessment report on the status of transboundary waters in the UNECE region, developed under the work programme of the Water Convention. The Assessment report should be ready in 2007 for the Belgrade Ministerial Conference on Environment for Europe and should cover rivers, lakes and groundwaters, with a special focus on EECCA and South-Eastern Europe.

The workshop conclusions and recommendations will be published in early 2006.

Workshop Evaluation

Through replies to a questionnaire, participants assessed the workshop's quality, usefulness and the degree of achievement of its objectives. They also provided advices for future CWC workshops and activities that could be taken up by the Convention's Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment. The evaluation summary is based on 32 questionnaire replies.

Documents and Presentations

Document Title ENG RUS




Summary of conclusions PDF  
List of participants PDF  
Article in UNECE Weekly PDF  

Strategies for monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters



UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes



UNECE Guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers



UNECE Guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Groundwaters



UNECE Guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary and International Lakes

Part A PDFPart B PDF

Parts A+B PDF

UNECE Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories



Biological Assessment Methods for Watercourses, UNECE Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment



Quality assurance, UNECE Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment



Resolution 40 of the 12th WMO Congress on policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities



Resolution 25 of the 13th WMO Congress on the exchange of hydrological data and products



Presentation title ENG RUS

CWC project objective, outcome of the second workshop on the Information Management and Public Participation, and objectives and expectations for this workshop, Ms. Francesca Bernardini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe



Transboundary water management in Armenia, with special focus on water quality and health related aspects, Mr. Seyran Minasyan, Ministry of Natural Resources of Armenia



Transboundary water management in Azerbaijan, with special focus on quantity aspects: the example of the Samur river, Mr. Azhdar Dzhavadov, Azerbaijan State Agency of Amelioration and Water Management



Joint river management programme for Kura-Araz rivers basin, Ms. Marina Makarova, Ministry of Environment of Georgia



Strategies for monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters, Ms. Sirkka Haunia, Finnish Environment Institute



Recent trends and main challenges in water monitoring in the EECCA, the example of the PDF Federation, Mr. Yuri Tsaturov, PDF Federation service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet)



International activities for the prevention of hazard in transboundary river basins, Mr. Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei, Federal Environment Agency



Information management in the Tisza river basin and the use of GIS, Ms. Svitlana Rebryk, Transcarpathian Water Management



The development of monitoring systems in transboundary waters of Kazakhstan, Mr. Zhanat Zhilgeldinov, Kazakhstan Ministry of Environmental Protection



Water monitoring systems for the city of Moscow, Ms. Evgenia Semutnikova, State Environmental Organization (SEO) Mosecomonitoring



The importance of institutions in monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters: national coordination and joint bodies, Mr. Ruslan Meliyan, Apele Moldove



Data exchange in Central Asia, the example of Hydromet cooperation, Mr. Andrey Yakovlev, Uzbekistan Center for Hydrometeorological Service



Early warning and emergency response in PDF Federation and neighbouring countries, Mr. Mikhail Kolomeev, Federal Environmental Emergency Response Center of Roshydromet



Achievements and bottlenecks in monitoring of transboundary waters in the EECCA, Mr. Evgeny Tyrtsyhny, Kazakhstan Water Partnership



Organization of monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters shared by Belarus, Ms. Svetlana Utochkina, Belarus Ministry of Natural Resources



Joint assessment: the example from practice between Finland and the PDF Federation, Ms. Lea Kauppi and Ms. Sirkka Haunia, Finnish Environment Institute



The assessment report on the status of transboundary waters in the UNECE region under the Water Convention, Ms. Sirkka Haunia, Finnish Environment Institute



The assessment report: Guidelines to complete the information data sheet for transboundary rivers, Ms. Sirkka Haunia, Finnish Environment Institute



CWC project: Next stop Central Asia, Mr. Bo Libert, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

