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Subregional Workshop on the Caucasus for the second Assessment

Subregional Workshop on the Caucasus for the second Assessment

08 - 10 December 2009
Tbilisi Georgia

The sub-regional workshop on the Caucasus for the preparation of the second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters under the UNECE Water Convention was held from 8 to 10 December 2009 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The workshop was organized jointly by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia and UNECE, in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus.

The workshop promoted discussion of key issues related to transboundary waters in the sub-region, including climate change, hydrological extremes and water-related disasters; the impact of mining, including tailing dams; and the institutional and legal foundations needed to support good water governance and cooperation.

Some 45 participants attended, including government officials, as well as representatives of NGOs from the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and Turkey, as well as experts from international organizations/projects.

During the discussions, more cooperation on monitoring of water quality and quantity was called for, and concerns related to data quality control and a lack of harmonization in methods were raised. However, there are some encouraging examples of joint monitoring. High water use in agriculture and limited wastewater treatment are among factors that put pressure on water resources, but the significance of some earlier concerns like impacts of mining has reduced. On-going and recent legal reforms of the water sector, progressive approximation to EU directives and introduction of a basin approach currently shape the management of water resources in the sub-region. There is need for institutionalization of cooperation to ensure continuity and sustainability of projects and for political commitment of the countries to take measures to improve the status of water resources.

Work in the break-out sessions allowed for the main concerns and developments in each transboundary river basin and aquifer to be identified among the riparian countries. With basin and aquifer specific information from the riparian countries to be provided as follow-up to the workshop, the assessment of the Caucasus is being prepared for the review of the Water Convention’s Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment, the body supervising the process.



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List of participants




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 Opening session



The role of UNECE in supporting transboundary water cooperation in the
Caucasus. Ms. Francesca Bernardini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe



Session 1: Institutional and legal basis needed to support good water governance and cooperation



Strengthening the legal and institutional basis for cooperation between Georgia and Azerbaijan

Mr. Malkhaz Adeishvili, Consultant to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia  



Cooperation between Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran: lessons learned and possible next steps. Mr. Alireza Najafi, Boundary Rivers and Shared Water Resources Bureau, Iranian Ministry of Energy



Creation of an enabling environment for integrated management of the Kura-Aras Transboundary Rivers Basin. Ms. Malak Shukurova, REC Caucasus



Session 2: Climate change, hydrological extremes and water-related disasters



Hydromertological disasters. Mr. Irakli Megrelidze, National Environmental Agency, Georgia



Geological hazards. Mr. Merab Gaprindashvili, National Environmental Agency, Georgia



Climate change impact to water resources of Azerbaijan and measures of adaptation. Mr. Rafiq Verdiyev, Azerbaijan



Monitoring of transboundary water resources, including groundwaters, in Armenia and what it says about the impact of climate variability and change. Mr. Seyran Minasyan and Mr. Vilik Sargsyan, Armenia



Climate change and water resources management issues in Georgia. Mr. Vano Tsiklauri, The Greens Movement of Georgia



 Session 3: Water quality aspects, in particular pollution from mining and waste waters



Impacts of mining and mine tailings on water resources: situation in Armenia and management responses. Mr. Seyran Minasyan, Armenia



Water and Sanitation Issues in Azerbaijan and Measures directed to Enhancement of Equitable Access to Water. Mr. Rafig Verdiyev, Azerbaijan



Impacts of wastewater discharge on the quality of water resources: known extent of the impact and expected management responses. Ms. Eliso Barnovi, Ministry of Environment of Georgia



Joint River Monitoring - Harmonisation of sampling, analysis and reporting procedures to improve transboundary cooperation. Mr. Anatoly Pichugin, EU Project Trans-Boundary River Management Phase II for the Kura River basin



Support to evaluating transboundary pollution: towards adopting a system of surface water quality standards as a common basis for assessing water quality status. Mr. Steve Warren, Team Leader, Water governance in the Western EECCA project



Session 4: Second Assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters under the UNECE Water Convention



Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater – the Caucasus Sub-Region. Ms. Annukka Lipponen, UNECE Water Convention Secretariat



The assessment of Ramsar sites within the second Assessment of transboundary waters: cases from the Caucasus. Mr. Karén Jenderedjian, National Focal Point of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Armenia



Transboundary groundwaters in the second assessment:  assessment methodology and preliminary results of a UNESCO inventory of transboundary aquifers in the Caucasus.
Mr. Neno Kukuric, IGRAC & UNESCO - ISARM



Presentations on river basins

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Transboundary Aquifers. Mr. Neno Kukuric, IGRAC & UNESCO - ISARM



Rivers Iori and Alazani. Mr. Mindorashvili, Georgia



River Kura. Mr. Mindorashvili, Georgia



River Chorokhi-Coruh. Mr. Sezer, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI), Turkey



River Samur. Mr. Sultanov, Azerbaijan
