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Workshop on Water and Health. Synergies and Joint Implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health, Related EU Directives and SDGs in the Eastern Partnership Countries

Workshop on Water and Health. Synergies and Joint Implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health, Related EU Directives and SDGs in the Eastern Partnership Countries

02 April 2019
Geneva Switzerland
Documents ENG RUS
Agenda PDF PDF
List of participants PDF -
Workshop proceedings PDF -
Presentations ENG RUS
Work on the Protocol on Water and Health and the EUWI+
Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Sanitation scoping study for the pan-European region
Zakhar Maletskyi, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Legal aspects and synergies between the Protocol on Water and Health and EU Law
Dolores Bentolila, White & Case
Practical guide for joint implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Linking the target setting process with the obligations under the EU Association Agreements and with SDGs
Anna Tsvietkova, NGO MAMA-86, Ukraine
Joint implementation of the Protocol and EU Directives
Marta Vargha, National Public Health Center, Hungary
Training on the template for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health and discussion on questions from countries on the current reporting cycle
Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE
Overview on reporting requirements under SDG 6
Nataliya Nikiforova, Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Overview on reporting requirements under related EU Directives (WFD, UWWT Directive, Drinking Water Directive)
Katharina Lenz, Environment Agency Austria (UBA)
Water and Health related indicators as part of the national set of water security indicators, example from Kyrgyzstan
Alexandre Martoussevitch, Project Manager, OECD
New norms for design and construction of small-scale water supply systems in the Republic of Moldova
Valentin Bordeniuc, National Expert, OECD