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The sixth Steering Committee meeting in Kyrgyz Republic

The sixth Steering Committee meeting in Kyrgyz Republic

28 - 30 November 2011
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The National Policy Dialogue (NPD) in Kyrgyzstan follows on from an initiative on water supply and sanitation, undertaken in 2008 - 2009 in the framework of the European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) and sponsored by the OECD/EAP Task Force and the EC/Aidco. The ultimate objective of NPD will be to develop a Strategic Financial Plan for WRM in Kyrgyzstan to provide for the construction, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of necessary infrastructure.

Download documents of the meeting in Russian (List of Participants contains English version as well).

Presentations (in Russian)

Vashneva. Preliminary analyse of the Chu River Basin problems. Download

Apasov. Joint EU-UNDP Project "Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia". Download

Harsha Ratnavera. Setting targets and target dates in the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health based on two pilot basin water basins. Download

Leif Iversen. Concept of the River Basin Management Plan development. Download

Vitaliy Shablovsky. Main provisions of the Chu River Basin Plan development. Download

The UNECE-supported NPDs on IWRM programme assists Governments of the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia in promoting implementation of IWRM in line with the principles of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, its Protocol on Water and Health, the EU Water Framework Directive and other UNECE and EU instruments.


NPDs on IWRM are the main operational instrument of the EUWI, an international partnership that aims at contributing to the achievement of the water-related Millennium Development Goals. UNECE is the strategic partner to support the policy dialogue process on IWRM. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is the strategic partner for water supply and sanitation.