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Twelfth NPD Steering Committee meeting

Twelfth NPD Steering Committee meeting

17 March 2015
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Over 50 representatives of different stakeholders and donors involved in improving the situation of water resources in Kyrgyzstan attended the 12th Steering Committee meeting on 17 March 2015. Expert group presented a study on ways to increase water use efficiency in the agriculture sector. Results suggest that introduction of sprinkler or drip irrigation in place of surface irrigation could boost agricultural productivity in Kyrgyzstan. At the next stage of the process, experts will study practical application of such technologies in specific regions of Kyrgyzstan. OECD is expected to get also involved in proposing suitable financing mechanisms that would allow Kyrgyz farmers to introduce new technologies.

Press release of the meeting is available in English and in Russian

Documents ENG RUS
Agenda (Повестка дня) PDF PDF
Minutes (Протокол) PDF PDF
List of participants (Список участников) PDF
Presentations ENG RUS
Brief overview of progress made over the last year, outstanding issues and challenges
Mr. T.A. Isabekov
Overview of international experience and modern trends in the development of irrigation techniques
Mr. Yakov Lev, UNECE consultant
Description of current condition of the irrigation sector in Kyrgyzstan and recommendations to improve it
Mr. Kirill Valentini, expert; Mr. Valery Gutnik, Department of Water Management and Melioration; Mr. Payazidin Zhooshev, Irrigation Institute; Mrs. Gulmira Adzhigulova, KRSU
Preliminary findings of Assessment of water, food, energy, and ecosystems nexus in trans-boundary Syr Darya River basin
Ms. Lucia de Strasser, international consultant, on behalf of the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
(1) Better coherence between the agricultural and water policies and (2) Reforming rural WSS: presentation of a new project co-sponsored by FinWater-II,  EC and OECD EAP Task Force
Mr. Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD
Regional IWRM actions by the Kazakhstan-German University
Ms. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta
General presentation of FinWater-II programme / Finland’s Water Sector Support to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Ms. Tea Törnroos, Mr. Ari Mäkelä
Joint trans-boundary project of UNECE and UNDP on Chu and Talas Rivers
Mr. Bo Libert, UNECE; Mr. Vladimir Grebnev, UNDP
GIZ TWRM CA program
Ms. Maya Nurmamedova
World Bank project
Mr. Kydykbek Beishekeev