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The tenth Steering Committee meeting

The tenth Steering Committee meeting

18 October 2013
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Meeting was attended by over 30 representatives of different stakeholders and donors (EU Delegation, SDC, WHO, UNDP, EBRD, GIZ, OECD, UNECE). UNECE-financed expert group presented the inventory of available data about the Chu basin. Chu basin council is key target group of the data gathered. Members of Steering Committee agreed with proposal of UNECE to concentrate its assistance on implementation of the national targets on water and health, adopted in June 2013. Continuation of support towards development of the basin management plan of Chu basin will remain the main activity of UNECE within the National Policy Dialogue programme in next year. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the strategic partner of the National Policy Dialogues will complement this work with proposals on use of different economic instruments for implementation of basin management plans.

Documents ENG RUS
Agenda PDF PDF
Decisions PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF PDF
Basin planning approach for Chu river: the concept and inventory of available data
Mr. Kirill Valentini and Ms. Taisia Neronova, experts
The progress in implementing the project on  promoting the reform of economic instruments for water management in Kyrgyzstan
Mr. Pedro Andres Garzon, Akteon
Economic and financial aspects of WRM: possible topics for discussion in the framework of NPD in 2014-2015
Mr. Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD
Setting targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Kyrgyzstan
Ms. Nina Vashneva, Ministry of Health
Policy brief on the National Policy Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan: presentation of key findings
and recommendations
Mr. Erkin Orolbaev, expert
Improving Water and Sanitation through Decentralized Cooperation
Ms. Irina Kozban, WECF; Ms. Anara Choitonbaeva, KAWS; Mr. Vladimir Korotenko, BIOM
National Water Sector Capacity Building Project co-sponsored by World Bank/SDC/DWR
Mr. Bakyt Makhmutov, SDC
GEF-UNDP project "Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the Chu and Talas River Basins”
Mr. Vladimir Grebnev, UNDP
EBRD water sector projects in Kyrgyzstan
Ms. Gulnara Yessentayeva, EBRD