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The 7th NPD Steering Committee

The 7th NPD Steering Committee

04 July 2018
Baku Azerbaijan
Documents ENG
Agenda PDF
List of participants PDF
Minutes PDF
Presentations ENG AZE

Status of the work on the development of the National Water Strategy of Azerbaijan

Mr. Mutallim Abdulhasanov, MENR and Ms. Tatiana Efimova, OECD


Setting up long-term priorities for the water sector to overcome existing and future challenges

Ms. Tatiana Efimova, OECD and Mr. Rafig Verdiyev, National expert


Developing a National Water Strategy for Ukraine: opportunities of approximation with the EU water acquis and challenges with its implementation

Ms. Natalia Zakorchevna, National expert (Ukraine)


National targets under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health

Ms. Leyla Tagizade, Ministry of Health and Ms. Gunel Gurbanova, MENR


The Protocol on Water and Health as a tool to implement Sustainable Development Goals at the national level

Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE


Progress, needs and outlook of monitoring development

Mr. Michael Sutter, EU Member States Consortium (Austria, France)


Territorializing the national water policy at the basin scale through participative River Basin Management Planning

Ms. Yunona Videnina and Mr. Yannick Pochon; EU Member States Consortium (Austria, France)


UNDP/GEF Kura-2 project

Ms. Mary Matthews 


EU twinning project "Upgrading the National Environmental Monitoring System (NEMS)"

Ms. Katja Loven


ENI SEIS II East project

Mr. Vafadar Ismayilov