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Consultation Meeting/workshop on the Protocol on Water and Health and equitable access to water and sanitation in Azerbaijan

Consultation Meeting/workshop on the Protocol on Water and Health and equitable access to water and sanitation in Azerbaijan

05 July 2018
Baku Azerbaijan
Documents ENG
Agenda PDF
List of participants PDF
Minutes PDF
Presentations ENG AZE
Introduction of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health and its linkages with the Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health in Azerbaijan: targets set to improve access to water and sanitation
Ms. Leyla Taghizade, Hygiene and Epidemiology Centre, Ministry of Health
Experience of Hungary in implementing the Protocol on Water and Health
Ms. Marta Vargha, National Public Health Institute, Hungary
Introduction to the work on equitable access to water and sanitation under the Protocol on Water and Health
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Self-assessment of equitable access to water and sanitation in Azerbaijan: background, main objectives and general approach
Ms. Leyla Taghizade, Hygiene and Epidemiology Centre, Ministry of Health
Main outcomes of the Equitable access assessment: main findings from the assessment (scoring, analyses, comments)
Ms. Gunel Gurbanova, National Monitoring Department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
International experience: Outcomes of the equitable access self-assessment in other countries and steps taken after the self-assessment
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE