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The 26th NPD Steering Committee meeting

The 26th NPD Steering Committee meeting

15 June 2018
Chisinau Republic of Moldova
Documents ENG
Agenda PDF
Minutes PDF
List of participants PDF
Summary PDF
Presentations ENG RO/RUS
Session 1    

Recent institutional reform and legislative adjustments and perspectives for integrated water resources management - Nadejda Chilaru, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE) 


State of the legal frame in IWRM, Commitments under Association Agreement - Victoria Gratii, Main consultant, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE)


Management of the water resources based on the river basin districts - Agency "Apele Moldovei"

Session 2    

A brief overview of OECD-led activities in Moldova under EUWI+ East - Alexander Martusevich, OECD


Presentation of interim results of the work on the mid-term Action Plan - Alexander Poghossian, APC


A brief overview of UNECE-led activities in Moldova under EUWI+ East - Peep Mardiste, Consultant, UNECE

Presentation on the ongoing and planned work for the elaboration of amendments to the Water Law No. 272 - Nadejda Chilaru, Head of IWRM Policy Division, MARDE ENG RO
Presentation on the progress under the National Programme for implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Moldova for 2016-2025, its planned revision and activities to implement some its measures - Ion Salaru, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and Serafima Tronza, Lead consultant, MARDE ENG RO
Presentation of temporary new design and construction norms for small-scale WSS systems, approved by Ordinance of the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure (MoEI) of Moldova - Valentin Bordeniuc, Local expert, and Gheorghe Croitoru, MoEI ENG RUS
Session 3    
Development of stakeholder participation mechanisms at different basin, scales and awareness rising as key for policy implementation, Data sharing as base for knowledge development and integration - Presentation of key issues by Michael Sutter (UBA), Yunona Videnina and Pierre Henry de Villeneuve (IOWater); EU member state consortium (Austria, France) ENG RO
Strengthening of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources Monitoring Improving the Capacity of Water Monitoring Laboratories - SHS+AGRM ENG RO
Strengthening of RBM Planning including transboundary harmonisation with direct application to the Danube-Prut and Black Sea river basin district - Agency "Apele Moldovei" ENG RO
Session 4    
"Strengthening the Institutional Framework in the Water and Sanitation Sector" - Project ADA/SDC project ENG RO
"Harmonization of national legislation with Directive 91 on urban waste water treatment" - Jiří Kučera, Czech implementing project partners ENG RO
The Partnership of the Republic of Moldova with the Green Climate Fund in the context of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, funding opportunities for the water resources sector - Vasile Scorpan, Climate Change Office, MADRM   RO
Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe - Mr. Dumitru Drumea, local representative of GWP Moldova, representative of Institution of Ecology and Geography" ENG RO
Presentation of an experience of inter-municipalities governance model for WSS development in the Nirnova valley - Remy Douguet, project manager, and Tudor Vrabie, national expert from Solidarity Water Europe (SWE) ENG RO