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Outcomes of Rio+20: challenges and opportunities for the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development

Outcomes of Rio+20: challenges and opportunities for the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development

30 May 2013
Almaty Kazakhstan

The expert meeting, “Outcomes of Rio+20: challenges and opportunities for the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development” took place on 30 May 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Participants at the meeting, co-organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Scientific and Information Center of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development of Central Asia (ICSD), agreed on the mandate of a task force to develop an in-depth study and recommendations on how ICSD could contribute efficiently to the implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Conference) at the regional level. The expert meeting took place in the framework of the UNECE Programme “Regional Dialogue and Cooperation on Water Resources Management in Central Asia” supported by GIZ.


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Agenda PDF PDF
Outcomes of the meeting PDF PDF
Opening statement by Andrey Vasilyev, UNECE Deputy Executive Secretary   PDF
Statement by Marton Krasznai, UNECE Regional Adviser   PDF
Strengthening the legal and institutional frameworks of IFAS, by Bo Libert, UNECE Regional Adviser   PDF
Terms of references for the task force   PDF
List of participants PDF  
Press release “UNECE cooperates with Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development to strengthen implementation of Rio+20 outcomes in Central Asia” link link