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7th GEF Biennal International Waters Conference

7th GEF Biennal International Waters Conference

28 - 31 October 2013
Bridgetown Barbados

The GEF IW Conference objectives are to facilitate cross-sectoral and portfolio-wide learning and experience sharing. The IWC7 theme is “Economic Valuation as a Tool to Bridge the Science-Policy Gap”. The IWC7’s objective is to facilitate experience sharing across the GEF International Waters portfolio, with a special emphasis on reviewing the economic valuation of international waters and the links between economic valuation and science, as well as mechanisms for linking both to policymaking.

UNECE will present the opening of the Water Convention in the session “Leveraging recent legal and institutional framework developments to benefit GEF International Waters projects” (Monday 28 October, 17:00-18:15).

UNECE organizes a workshop on “Identifying, quantifying and communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation” (Wednesday 30 October – 14:30-16:15).

UNECE co-organizes a workshop together with the University of Dundee and WWF on “Two global transboundary waters conventions: a catalyst for cooperation on shared waters” (Thursday 31 October, 11:30-13:00).