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Water Convention events at COP24

Water Convention events at COP24

04 - 08 December 2018
Katowice Poland

The Water Convention contributes to various events at COP24, in the framework of UN-Water and in the framework of the Paris Pact on Adaptation in the Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers.

COP-24 Side events

Date/Time/Title Room Language  
4 December / 11:30-13:00      
Shocks and Stressors: Water’s essential role in addressing climate change & disaster risk Side Event Room 4 "Warmia" ENG  
4 December / 13:15-14:45      
The role of water in achieving climate neutrality
(co-organized with UN-Water)
7 December / 11:00-12:30      
Experts Workshop
Supporting transboundary actions to address Climate Change

(Organizers: UNECE – Water Convention Secretariat, African Water Facility, Climate Resilience Infrastructure Development Facility, GWP –Mediterranean)
Pavilion of the African Development Bank ENG  
8 December / 10:00-13:00      
L’adaptation dans le secteur de l’eau : assurer la sécurité hydrique dans un contexte de changement climatique
(un événement proposé par les gouvernements
du Sénégal, de la France et du Royaume du Maroc)
Pavilion OIF FRE

