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High-level consultation - The Water Convention: an opportunity for Lebanon? Beirut, Lebanon

High-level consultation - The Water Convention: an opportunity for Lebanon? Beirut, Lebanon

11 April 2019
Beirut Lebanon

More than 40 representatives of ministries and official institutions as well as other stakeholders involved, directly or not, in transboundary water management in Lebanon, gathered to discuss and better understand the implications, benefits and opportunities of joining the Water Convention, given the specific needs and expectations of Lebanon.

After concluding during a national workshop (The Water Convention: Key aspects and opportunities for Lebanon, Beirut, 4-5 February 2015), that the Convention could provide a valuable framework to support the strengthening of cooperation for the management of Lebanese transboundary water resources; this national high-level consultation aimed to discuss and clarify legal, political, technical and implementation aspects of the Water Convention to prompt a concerted national position regarding accession to the Convention.

This high-level consultation was co-organised by the Ministry of energy and Water of Lebanon, the Secretariat of the Water Convention serviced by UNECE and the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med), with financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the framework of the regional project "Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean".

News release on the main outcome of the meeting


Documents ENG FR ARA
Information notice PDF    
Programme PDF    
List of Participants PDF    
Background documents      
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, as amended along with decision VI/3 clarifying the accession procedure PDF PDF PDF
Guide to Implementing the Water Convention PDF PDF PDF
The Global Opening of the 1992 UNECE Water Convention PDF PDF PDF
Report of the Workshop on the UNECE Water Convention: Key aspects and opportunities for Lebanon (2015) PDF  


Presentations ENG FR ARA
Introduction to the Water Convention: Framework and Activities PDF    
Frequently asked questions: the Convention on Use and Protection of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes PDF