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Eleventh meeting of the Task Force on Water and Climate

Eleventh meeting of the Task Force on Water and Climate

02 October 2020


The Task Force on Water and Climate under the Water Convention is responsible for activities related to adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins, including flood and drought management, in accordance with the programme of work for 2019-2021 of the Water Convention.

The eleventh meeting of the Task Force on Water and Climate was held on 2 October 2020 under the leadership of the Netherlands and Switzerland, and was preceded by the 15th meeting of the Working group on Integrated Water Resources Management under the Water Convention.

The meeting of the Task Force mainly consisted of the thematic session on mainstreaming transboundary aspects of water management into climate-related documents. This session was organised in partnership with AGWA, AWB, GWP, INBO, SIWI, UNDP, UNFCCC and WGF. The Task Force also discussed further activities on climate change adaptation in transboundary basins, including flood and drought management, to be included into the next Programme of Work under the Water Convention for 2022-2024.

Documents                                                                ENG FRE RUS SPA
Concept note PDF PDF PDF PDF
Background paper PDF PDF PDF PDF
UN-Water Policy Brief PDF PDF PDF PDF
List of participants PDF - - -
Session on mainstreaming transboundary aspects of water management into climate-related documents
by Niels Vlaanderen, the Netherlands and Hanna Plotnykova, Secretariat
PDF - - -
Overview of UNFCCC relevant elements for engagement by Rojina Manandhar, UNFCCC Secretariat PDF - - -
Climate Change and Transboundary Water - The Intersection by Kathryn Pharr, AGWA PDF - - -
Mainstreaming water and transboundary cooperation into climate related documents by Jos Timmerman, the Netherlands PDF - - -
Republic of Moldova: Water resources management within the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) by Vasile Scorpan, Republic of Moldova PDF - PDF -
NAP and Water Resources Plans in Brazil by Sergio Ayrimoraes, Brazil/National Water and Sanitation Agency PDF - - -
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation with River Basin Management by Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov, ICPDR PDF - - -
Mainstreaming transboundary aspects into climate-related documents by Didier Zinsou and Jean Abdias Compaore, Autorite du Bassin du Niger (ABN) PDF PDF - -
Discussion on further activities on climate change adaptation for the next Programme of Work under the Water Convention for 2022-2024 by Niels Vlaanderen, the Netherlands and Sibylle Vermont, Switzerland PDF PDF PDF PDF