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Expert Group on Public Participation

Expert Group on Public Participation

07 - 08 July 2009
Geneva Switzerland

The first meeting of the Expert Group on Public Participation took place from 7 to 8 July 2009 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. At its first meeting, the Expert Group focused on the draft terms of reference for a future task force on public participation in decision-making on environmental matters, which was subsequently discussed by the Working Group of the Parties to the Convention at its eleventh meeting. The Expert Group also focused on the exchange of information and experience and the collection of examples of good practices in the area of public participation in environmental decision-making.

Documents for the first meeting of the Expert Group  
                   Document Title   ENG FRE RUS

Provisional agenda

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Provisional timetable

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Report of the first meeting of the Expert Group on Public Participation

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Proposal for terms of reference for a task force on public participation (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2009/L.1)


Draft terms of reference for a task force on public participation as revised by the Working Group (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2009/L.1_rev)


Standards of Public Participation - recommendations for good practice (Austria)

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List of Participants