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Fifth meeting of the Electronic Information Tools Task Force

Fifth meeting of the Electronic Information Tools Task Force

23 - 24 November 2006
Geneva Switzerland

The 5th meeting of the task force took place on 23–24 November 2006 in Geneva. The provisional annotated agenda may be downloaded here.

The meeting discussed implementation of the Recommendations for the More Effective Use of Electronic Information Tools to Provide Public Access to Environmental Information, including responses to the questionnaire circulated to national delegations on this topic. Delegates. were invited to review the prospectus for the first capacity-building workshop on the Aarhus Clearinghouse and Electronic Information Tools.

Upgrades being implemented for the Aarhus Clearinghouse were also. presented by the secretariat.

The Task Force agreed to extend the deadline for submittal of responses to the questionnaire to 20 December 2006. The secretariat will prepare a draft of a summary report on the responses and circulate this to members of the Task Force in early January 2007, allowing two weeks for submission of comments.

Documents for the fifth meeting
Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional annotated agenda PDF    
Report of the fifth meeting of the Task Force on Electronic Information Tools ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.3 PDF PDF PDF
Addendum to the Report of Task Force on Electronic Information Tools (Questionnaire on implementation of Decision II/3) ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.3/Add.1 PDF PDF PDF
Addendum to the Report of Task Force on Electronic Information Tools (Summary of Responses to Questionnaire) ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.3/Add.2 PDF PDF PDF
Prospectus for the first sub-regional workshop on Capacity Building for the Aarhus Clearinghouse and Electronic Information Tools (Szentendre workshop) PDF    
Questionnaire to assess implementation of the Recommendations on Electronic Information Tools (decision II/3) - original unedited MSWord version DOC    
Questionnaire to assess implementation of the Recommendations on Electronic Information Tools (decision II/3) - original unedited Acobe PDF version PDF    
Draft guidance for national nodes of the Aarhus Clearinghouse Mechanism ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2006/5/Add.1 PDF PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF