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Twenty-third meeting of the Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention

Twenty-third meeting of the Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention

13 March - 03 April 2009
Geneva Switzerland

Twenty-third meeting of Compliance Committee

31 March - 3 April 2009


Document Title ENG FRE RUS

Provisional agenda for the twenty-third meeting (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/1)


Report (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/2)


Addendum to the report (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/2/Add.1)



Among other things, the Committee reviewed the situation with the follow-up on the relevant decisions on compliance and on reporting adopted at the 3rd meeting of the Parties. In particular, the Committee found that the caution imposed on Turkmenistan by the Meeting of the Parties through decision III/6e of the Meeting of the Parties should become effective on 1 May 2009. It also found that, although the caution imposed on Ukraine by the Meeting of the Parties through decision III/6f should not become effective, Ukraine was not yet fully in compliance with its obligations under the Convention. The Committee also discussed the subject matter of communications ACCC/C/2008/24 (Spain) and ACCC/C/2008/26 (Austria). It discussed certain matters arising in connection with communication ACCC/C/2005/15 (Romania) and finalized and adopted the findings on communication ACCC/C/2007/21 (European Community). It continued its deliberations on the subject matter of communication ACCC/C/2007/22 (France). It considered new information received in connection with communications ACCC/C/2008/23 (United Kingdom), ACCC/C/2008/27 (United Kingdom) and ACCC/C/2008/28 (Denmark). It also considered admissibility of four new communications received since its 22nd meeting.

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File formats: PDF = pdf file; Word DOC = MS Word file 
Languages: ENG – English; FRE – French; RUS – Russian
Documents available for downloading are indicated in blue typeface: ENG FRE RUS.