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Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, Thirty-first meeting

Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, Thirty-first meeting

08 - 09 December 2005
Geneva Switzerland

The meeting was hosted by the Swedish ASTA programme, the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) and the Swedish Evironmental Protection Agency (SEPA).

The purpose of the meeting was 1) to assess progress in integrated modelling and scenario development; 2) to assess the various ways of effect based approaches (in contrast to technology based approaches); 3) to assess ways to deal with our systematic bias towards technical solutions (on the basis of the findings of the preceding workshop on local and non-technical measures); 4) to discuss possibilities to include social sciences in the work of the convention.

Mr. Rob Maas (Netherlands) chaired the meeting.


(to download papers or presentations, please click on the links provided)

1. Introduction

News from the Convention secretariat (383 kB)
Presentation by Matti Johansson, UNECE secretariat

Progress of the EU Clean Air for Europe Programme (908 kB)
Presentation by Duncan Johnstone, European Commission (EC)

2. Developments in integrated assessment modelling

Evaluation of CAFE-scenarios and outstanding modelling issues (218 kB)
Presentation by Markus Amann, Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling (CIAM)
More information:

Methodologies for an effects-based approach (180 kB)
Presentation by Markus Amann, CIAM

Developments in critical loads modelling (3,741 kB)
Presentation by Max Posch, Coordination Center for Effects (CCE)

Inclusion of local and non-technical measures
Adoption of the results of the workshop by the ASTA programme

3. Other Integrated Assessment activities

Effects of the national sea traffic emissions on air pollutant concentrations (1,500 kB)
Presentation by Ilaria D’Elia, ENEA

Recent developments within EGTEI (68 kB)
Presentation by Nadina Allaman, Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues (EGTEI)

Integrated risk analysis: the INTARESE integrated project (417 kB)
Presentation by Stefan Reis, Stuttgart University

The role of social sciences in the development of air pollution policies
Conclusions of the workshop by the ASTA programme and EU project ACCENT
Presentation by Peringe Grennfelt

Checking Swedish data on emissions in the RAINS model (389 kB)
Presentation by Gun Lövblad, PROFU

4. Further work

Update of the TFIAM-workplan
Next meeting on 17-19 May 2006 in Rome, Italy.

The provisional agenda (22 kB) for the meeting is also available.