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2005 - 67th session

Working Documents 2005

TRANS/2005/16/Add.1 - Transport trends and economics : Transport in the Mediterranean (CETMO)
French only DOC (87 KB) PDF (182 KB)

- Transport trends and economics : Transport in the Mediterranean (CETMO)
French only DOC (83 KB) PDF (185 KB)

- Rail transport : Facilitation of border crossing in international rail transport
English DOC (231 KB) PDF (33 KB)
French DOC (92 KB) PDF (120 KB)
Russian DOC (103 KB) PDF (240 KB)

TRANS/2005/14 - Transport and security (Secretariat)
English DOC (80 KB) PDF (99 KB)

- Border crossing facilitation : Consignment note (Secretariat)
English DOC (82 KB) PDF (9 KB)
Russian DOC (44 KB) PDF (95 KB)

- Border crossing facilitation : Consignment note (Secretariat)
English DOC (157 KB) PDF (134 KB)
French DOC (89 KB) PDF (109 KB)
Russian DOC (117 KB) PDF (135 KB)

- ECMT/UNECE Seminar on Intermodal Transport between Europe and Asia (Secretariat)
English DOC (79 KB) PDF (114 KB)
French DOC (82 KB) PDF (124 KB)
Russian DOC (88 KB) PDF (165 KB)

- IRU Declaration on Fuel Crisis
English DOC (51 KB) PDF (87 KB)
French DOC (95 KB) PDF (83 KB)
Russian DOC (48 KB) PDF (61 KB)

- Strategic Objectives of the Committee (Secretariat)
English DOC (166 KB) PDF (125 KB)
French DOC (118 KB) PDF (72 KB)
Russian DOC (180 KB) PDF (77 KB)

- Road Traffic Safety : non UNECE countries (Secretariat)
English DOC (119 KB) PDF (104 KB)
French DOC (49 KB) PDF (64 KB)
Russian DOC (47 KB) PDF (65 KB)

- Road Traffic Safety : Issuance of visas to professional drivers (IRU)
English DOC (120 KB) PDF (120 KB)
French DOC (50 KB) PDF (126 KB)
Russian DOC (62 KB) PDF (160 KB)

- Transport Trends and Economics : Studies on transport economics and track costs undertaken by other organizations, "European Commission : Research on Transport Economics"
English DOC (78 KB) PDF (105 KB)

- Transport Trends and Economics : Studies on transport economics and track costs undertaken by other organizations, "Conclusions of the ECMT Round Table 129 : Limits of (De-)Regulation of Transport Infrastructure Services"
English DOC (140 KB) PDF (150 KB)
French DOC (111 KB) PDF (117 KB)

- Transport Trends and Economics : Studies on transport economics and track costs undertaken by other organizations, "Conclusions of Round Table 128 : Improving National Systems of Transport Infrastructure Planning"
English DOC (96 KB) PDF (138 KB)
French DOC (236 KB) PDF (140 KB)

- Transport Trends and Economics : Studies on transport economics and track costs undertaken by other organizations, "Conclusions of the ECMT Round Table 127 : Time and Transport"
English DOC (76 KB) PDF (106 KB)
French DOC (111 KB) PDF (107 KB)

- Transport Trends and Economics : Studies on transport economics and track costs undertaken by other organizations, "Conclusions of the 16th ECMT International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics"
English DOC (76 KB) PDF (166 KB)
French DOC (122 KB) PDF (153 KB)

- Review of the transport situation in ECE member countries and of emerging development trends (Secretariat)
English only DOC (153 KB) PDF (166 KB)

- Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP)
English DOC (82 KB) PDF (102 KB)
French DOC (103 KB) PDF (85 KB)
Russian DOC (63 KB) PDF (84 KB)

- Tentative List of Meetings of the Inland Transport Committee and its Subsidiary Bodies in 2005 and in January-March 2006 (Secretariat)
English DOC (100 KB) PDF (102 KB)
French DOC (100 KB) PDF (103 KB)
Russian DOC (80 KB) PDF (79 KB)

TRANS/2005/3 - Matters arising from the Economic Commission for Europe, the Economic and Social Council and other United Nations bodies and Conferences (Secretariat)
English DOC (83 KB) PDF (105 KB)
French DOC (105 KB) PDF (79 KB)
Russian DOC (66 KB) PDF (90 KB)

TRANS/2005/2 - Results of the Committee's Bureau Meetings (Secretariat)
English DOC (149 KB) PDF (151 KB)
French DOC (109 KB) PDF (151 KB)
Russian DOC (132 KB) PDF (150 KB)

- Suggested timetable for the Committee's sixty-seventh session (Secretariat )
English DOC (46 KB) PDF (74 KB)
French DOC (46 KB) PDF (53 KB)
Russian DOC (43 KB) PDF (48 KB)

- Notes on the provisional agenda and suggested timetable for the Committee's sixty-seventh session (Secretariat )
English DOC (170 KB) PDF (319 KB)
French DOC (227 KB) PDF (232 KB)
Russian DOC (248 KB) PDF (350 KB)