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Workshop on the Safety of Tailing Management Facilities

12 - 14 November 2007
Yerevan Armenia
Document Title




  Information notice (ECE/CP.TEIA/SEM.3/2007/1 ECE/MP.WAT/SEM.8/2007/1) PDF   PDF
  Report (ECE/CP.TEIA/SEM.3/2007/2 ECE/MP.WAT/SEM.8/2007/2)




  Draft Safety guidelines and good practices for tailing management facilities - version of 23 April 2008




 Setting the scene

Introductory presentation by Mr. Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany

English PDF

  SESSION I: Overview of the key issues addressed by the guidelines

Risk and hazard assessment for tailing dams - Prof. Pavel Danihelka, Head of the Laboratory of Risk Research and Management, Faculty of Safety Engineering, Technical University of Ostrava

English PPT


Avoiding tailing dams failures: good practice in prevention - Prof. Philip Peck, Associate Professor at Lund University , Sweden

English PPT


Tailing dams inspections - Mrs. Juliane Knaul, Legal Expert, Brandenburg Agency for Mining, Geology and Minerals

English PPS


Emergency planning for tailing dam - Prof. Wilhelm G. Coldewey, Head Chair of Applied Geology at the University of Munster

English PDF


Abandoned sites - Assessment and risk management - Lars-Ake Lindahl, Director, Environmental Affairs, Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers

English PPT


Training for tailing safety - Mr. Fritz Balkau, Consultant

English PPT


Public participation and information to the public throughout the phases of tailing dam life cycle - Mrs. Juliance Knaul on behlaf of Mr. Klaus Freytag, President, Brandenburg Agency for Mining, Geology and Minerals


SESSION II: Feedback from stakeholders on the draft guidelines, including the evaluation of their future implementation


Implications of Earthquakes on the Stability of Tailing dams - Tobias RudolphIntegrated Reservoir Modeling Team, Shell International B.V.

English PDF


European Union rules for safe management of mining waste facilities - Mr. Peter Kovac (Hungary) on behalf of Mr. Fotios Papoulias, DG Environment - Unit G.4 "Sustainable Production & Consumption

English PDF


The safety of tailing management facilities in Ukraine in view of the future implementation of the guidelines - Dr. Grigori Shmatkov, Chairman of the Environmental Association Ekomet in Ukraine

Russian PDF


Tailing dam safety and implementation of safety guidelines by a tailing dam operator - Ms. Lucy Hewlet, Deno Gold Mining CJSC

English PDF


The role of the Public Environmental Information Centre on mining in view of the future implementation of the guidelines - Ms. Nana Janashia, Executive Director of the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

English PDF

SESSION III : Discussion on the improvement of the guidelines

  Discussion on the draft safety guidelines/good practices for tailing dams

English PDF