Organizers of the Workshop:
Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues and the Secretariat of the UNECE Air Convention
Mr. Tiziano Pignatelli, ENEA, Italy ([email protected] , Tel: +39 06 3048 6766)
in collaboration with the
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Na-ture Conservation and Nuclear Safety Germany
Ms Katja Kraus, Umweltbundesamt, Germany (katja.kraus(at), Tel: +49 340 2103 3471)
Title | EN | RU |
Session 1 Part 1: Different BAT approaches in different regions |
Provisions on BATs in the Protocols to the Convention and capacity-building activities managed by the Secretariat, Ketevan Kordzakhia, Secretariat of the LRTAP Convention |
Defining BAT under the Industrial Emissions Directive – History and Procedures Thomas Brinkmann, European IPPC Bureau Seville |
BAT approaches around the world – results from a research project Marit Hjort, OECD |
Session 1 Part 2: State of the Art in Eastern Europe and beyond |
First experience from development and implementation BAT in Russia – a Russian- German BAT Project Irina Korolenko, GIZ Germany |
Implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol before actual Ratification (including BAT issues) Aksana Yuchkovich, Belarus |
Example from India – Implementation of BAT in the Textile Industry Chirag Bhirmany, India |
Application of BAT in China Li Peng, China |
Session 2: BAT in other Conventions and Treaties |
Technology in the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Tiziano Pignatelli, Italy |
UNEP Minamata Convention Eisaku Toda, UNEP Secretariat |
Reduction of BC from Small Sources (SLCF) ACAP, ICCI |
Application of BAT in practices of the European Investment Bank Angela Filipas, EIB |
Session 3: BAT for priority sectors identified in the EECCA countries |
Technical and economic aspects of BAT implementation in existing plants in the cement industry Dr Giovanni Cinti, Italcementi, Italy |
Inspection and monitoring according European Industrial Emissions Directive using an example from the cement industry in Bavaria Dr. Ebertsch, Regional Authorities Bavaria, Germany |
Code of good practice for solid fuel burning and small combustion installations Tiziano Pignatelli, Italy |
Cross-media effects and monitoring in BAT reference documents (BREFs) Thomas Brinkmann, IPPCB Seville |
Session 4: Modelling, Monitoring, Reporting |
Model assessment of HM and POP pollution of the EECCA region Oleg Travnikov, MSC - East |
Monitoring in the EECCA region Wenche Aas, CCC |
Application of the TFTEI Cost Methodology –newest developments Nadine Allemand , Citepa |
Costs of inaction- OECD Study on Air Pollution Tiziano Pignatelli/ Stefan Aström |
Session 5: Activities in the EECCA region to facilitate the implementation of BAT |
BAT in Russia: development of the legal framework and implementation Viktoria Ventchikowa, Russia |
Practical questions of implementing BAT (and limitations) in Belarus and across the EECCA region Andrej Pilipchuk, Belarus |
Experience from implementing BAT in Bulgaria Ivan Angelov, Bulgaria |
Results from the Questionnaires Nadine Allemand, CITEPA |
The current status of issues related to air pollution/air quality protectio, BAT implementation in Georgia Nino Obolashvili, Georgia |
Transition of Kazakhstan to BAT implementation Saule Sabiyeva, Kazakhstan |
BAT in Ukraine Yuliia Rymarieva, Ukraine |