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Workshop - Assessing the benefits of transboundary water cooperation in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin

09 - 10 May 2017
Windhoek Namibia

The workshop gathered around 30 representatives from the three countries of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin – CORB (Angola, Botswana and Namibia). It made it possible to:

  • Present the context of the draft “CORB Benefit Assessment Report”, including the Helsinki Water Convention;
  • Refine the findings and initial recommendations of the “CORB Benefit Assessment Report”;
  • Explore next steps to communicate the messages of the basin report; and
  • Explore next steps to realize the potential benefits of stronger cooperation in the basin.

The draft “CORB Benefit Assessment Report” is the outcome of a study to identify, assess, document and communicate the benefits of transboundary water cooperation in the CORB, which builds on the Policy Guidance Note on the benefits of transboundary water cooperation: identification, assessment and communication developed under the Helsinki Water Convention.
The  study was led and funded by the World Bank and the UK-funded Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility, with technical and advisory support from UNECE.


Documents ENG
Agenda PDF
Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation PDF


Presentations ENG
Transboundary water cooperation and the Helsinki Water Convention
Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Context to the CORB Benefit Assessment: Work on the benefits of transboundary water cooperation
Roberto Martin Hurtado, consultant to UNECE
CORB Benefit Assessment – Rationale, conceptual framework and approach
Eben Chungica, secretariat of OKACOM
CORB Benefit Assessment – National perceptions of cooperation in the Okavango-Cubango River Basin
Rute Saraiva, National consultant for Angola
CORB Benefit Assessment – Conclusions from a basin perspective, methodological lessons, and recommendations
Roberto Martin-Hurtado, consultant to UNECE
Monitoring progress of transboundary water cooperation
How to become a Party to the Helsinki Water Convention
Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE