The workshop gathered around 30 representatives from the three countries of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin – CORB (Angola, Botswana and Namibia). It made it possible to:
- Present the context of the draft “CORB Benefit Assessment Report”, including the Helsinki Water Convention;
- Refine the findings and initial recommendations of the “CORB Benefit Assessment Report”;
- Explore next steps to communicate the messages of the basin report; and
- Explore next steps to realize the potential benefits of stronger cooperation in the basin.
The draft “CORB Benefit Assessment Report” is the outcome of a study to identify, assess, document and communicate the benefits of transboundary water cooperation in the CORB, which builds on the Policy Guidance Note on the benefits of transboundary water cooperation: identification, assessment and communication developed under the Helsinki Water Convention.
The study was led and funded by the World Bank and the UK-funded Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility, with technical and advisory support from UNECE.