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Webinar “The Water Convention and transboundary water cooperation”

26 May 2020


(by videoconference)

The webinar “The Water Convention and transboundary water cooperation” (26 May 2020, 9:00-9:50 Geneva time) is organised as part of the Geneva Environment Dialogues’ special COVID-19 series that discusses the impacts of the pandemic on the global environmental agenda. The webinar takes place on WebEx and Facebook Live.














Registration (required for joining in WebEx): WebEx Live
Video: Facebook Live
Event details at GEN:

Péter KOVÁCS, Water Director, Hungary
Ben Yaw AMPOMAH, Executive Secretary of Water Resources Commission, Ghana
Niokhor NDOUR, Director for Water Resources Management and Planning, Senegal
Sonja KOEPPEL, Secretary to the Water Convention, UNECE

Facilitators: GEN Team

The objectives of the webinar are to raise attention to the importance of transboundary water cooperation and the Water Convention in the face of COVID-19, demonstrate how countries are continuing with transboundary water cooperation in the current circumstances and inform how the meetings and activities under the Water Convention are organised in time of COVID-19.

Presentations ENG FRE
Transboundary water cooperation and COVID-19: the role of the Water Convention
Mr. Péter Kovács, Water Director, Hungary
COVID-19 Impacts on the Global Environmental Agenda: The Water Convention and Transboundary Water Cooperation - Ghana’s perspective
Mr. Ben Ampomah, Water Resources Commission, Ghana
The value of transboundary water cooperation and the Water Convention in the time of COVID-19
Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Water Resources Directorate, Senegal
Activities under the Water Convention as impacted by COVID-19
Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Secretary to the Water Convention