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Training Workshop, under the Seveso Directive and the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, on Risk Assessment and Accident Lessons Learned

20 November (10:00) - 22 November (18:00) 2013
Ispra Italy

(The above is a working title.)


The workshop programme has yet to be finalized but is to address the following topics:

  • Training on relevant applications (eMARS accident reporting database, the ARIPAR/ADAM software and possibly others)
  • Exchange/discussion on case studies and on the analytical process (how to select data for input, develop lessons learned, etc.)
  • Potential uses of outputs from analysis for implementation of the Seveso Directive and the Convention

There will be a number of sessions associated with risk assessment and these will be directly relevant to land-use planning.

Presentations ENG
e-MARS - What is in it? Some statistics and search capabilities _ E.Guagnini PDF
Hazard and consequence analysis for understanding accident scenarios _  M. Hailwood PDF
Learning from Accidents _ M. Hailwood


Organisational Learning - Industry and Authorities _ M. Hailwood PDF
Accident reporting and the Convention on transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents _ N. Savov PDF
Risk assessment and Land use planning within the framework of the UNECE Convention on transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents _ N. Savov PDF
Lessons learning: systematic but adventurous _ A.L. Vetere Arellano PDF
What are lessons learned? _ S. Gyenes PDF
What is eMARS? _ S. Gyenes PDF
Case study example demonstrating application of different EU national approaches_ S. Gyenes PDF
Risk acceptance criteria and Land use planning - session 7 PDF
Overview of the risk assessment process PDF
Risk acceptance criteria - session 9 PDF
Rapid- N: A Natech risk assessment and mapping tool _ S. Girgin, E.Krausmann PDF
Major Accident Hazards Bureau Overview of activities PDF