Technical workshop on the EUWI+ progress achieved in Belarus and its outlook
04 March 2021
Online and Minsk Belarus
15739 _ Opening Session - Ms T. Minguriva, Mr T. Stravinskas, Mr A. Zinke _ 359045 _ English _ 773 _ 333310 _ pdf
15739 _ Towards a national Strategy for water resources management for the period until 2030 in the context of climate change - Mr. A. Belokurov, Ms. Palina Zakharko _ 359046 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333311 _ pdf
15739 _ Development of a management plan for sub basins of Mogilev city watercourses – Ms. P. Zakharko _ 359047 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333312 _ pdf
15739 _ Draft Management Plan for the Uza River sub basin - Mr. V. Korneev, Mr. K. Titov, Ms. A. Rusina, Mr. G. Tishchikov, Ms. P. Zakharko _ 359048 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333314 _ pdf
15739 _ Assessing options for resuming irrigation in selected areas of Belarus. The case of Gomel oblast – Mr. Tsitou, Ms. De Paoli, Mr. Martoussevitch _ 359049 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333315 _ pdf
15739 _ Economic assessment of net benefits of rehabilitating and developing irrigation and melioration systems in a pilot area of Belarus – Ms. Gloria de Paoli _ 359050 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333316 _ pdf
15739 _ Focus on springs inventory in Belarus – Alena Hramadskaya, CRICUWR _ 359051 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333318 _ pdf
15739 _ Revision of the national targets under the Protocol on Water and Health to the Water Convention – A. Drazdova, Ministry of Health, A. Mamadzhanov, UNECE _ 359052 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333319 _ pdf
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