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Subregional Workshop

25 September (10:00) - 26 September (18:00) 2018
Almaty Kazakhstan

Meeting Objectives:

• Allow countries of Central Asia to exchange their experiences and progress made on the implementation of the Convention and the preparation of national self-assessments and action plans;

• Determine remaining priorities and challenges and ways of addressing them;

• Showcase project results to international donors and partners and explore synergies and ways of future cooperation;

• Provide platform for subregional exchange, initial transboundary consultations and decisions on future hazardous activities notification;

• Present and gather feedback on the Implementation Guide for the Convention for Central Asian countries.

Agenda ENG   RUS

List of Participants


Evaluation Summary

Results of the Quiz on Understanding the Main requirements of the Convention

Key outcomes of the subregional workshop & Project conclusions  ENG  RUS