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Stakeholder meeting on application of SEA for draft Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan in Georgia

21 October 2020

On 21 October 2020, a draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Draft Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) was presented and discussed at a virtual meeting.

Stakeholder Meeting on the Application of SEA for draft Alazani-Iori River Basin Management Plan

The Stakeholder Meeting informed key actors engaged in the management of water resources of Georgia about the outcomes of the pilot SEA project. In particular, participants were familiarized with the main features of the draft Alazani-Iori RBMP; the project team presented the key findings and conclusions of the SEA for the draft Alazani-Iori RBMP; participants engaged in discussions on the SEA report and comments were shared with the project team for finalizing the draft SEA report. The event brought together over 35 representatives of relevant governmental institutions, international and donor organizations, NGOs, experts and other stakeholders. The meeting participants were welcomed by Ms. Nino Tandilashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA), Mr. Alexandre Darras, Attaché, Sector Coordinator on Connectivity, Energy, Environment & Climate Change of EU Delegation to Georgia and Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, Environmental Affairs Officer, UNECE.

The pilot project was initiated upon the request of the MEPA and is being implemented with the support of the European Union under the leadership of the UNECE in the framework of the European Union Water Initiative Plus for the Eastern Partnership programme

Further details on the EUWI+ can be found at the dedicated website at

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