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Second Meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

10 - 12 September 2007
Geneva Switzerland

The first day of the meeting took the form of a ‘mini-conference’ on the theme of ‘ Opening the Doors to Justice: The Challenge of Strengthening Public Access ’, with presentations by a number of leading experts in the field. This was intended to allow the opportunity for a free exchange of opinions on the ‘burning issues’ in the implementation of the third pillar of the Convention between a wider range of stakeholders than normally participate in task force meetings.

The Task Force meeting provided an opportunity to review the outcome of the regional workshop on access to justice involving senior members of the judiciary from six countries of Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (Kiev, 4-5 June 2007) and to consider plans for further such workshops as well as other awareness-raising and capacity building activities. The Task Force had also been asked by the Working Group of the Parties to discuss options for future work on access to justice at the forthcoming meeting. The mini-conference provided input to and inspiration for that discussion.

For further information about the work of the Task Force, see decision II/2 of the Meeting of the Parties which sets out its mandate.

We would like to draw your attention to paragraph 31 of Decision II/2 of the Meeting of the Parties which invites representatives of ministries of justice and/or similar national bodies with responsibility for the administration of justice and judicial authorities themselves, as well as representative organizations of the legal professions, to participate in the work of the Task Force.

Document Title    ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda for the second meeting   PDF - PDF
Report of the 2nd meeting of the task force on access to justice (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.10)   PDF PDF PDF
Key challenges in implementing access to justice: an overview by Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kraemer, Universities of Bremen, Germany and Copenhagen, Denmark   PPT - -
Access for whom? -- The issue of legal standing by Ms. Carol Hatton, WWF-UK, United Kingdom   PPT - -
Effective remedies – Do they exist? by Prof. Jan Darpö, University of Uppsala, Sweden   PPT - -
Public interest advocacy: a key to better implementation? by Ms. Olga Melen, Lawyer, International Foundation Environment People Law, Ukraine   PPT - -
The costs of justice and “Getting SLAPPed” by Prof. John Bonine, University of Oregon, USA   PPT - -
Providing access to justice in transboundary cases by Prof. Jonas Ebbesson, University of Stockholm, Sweden   PDF - -
Implementation challenges in the regions and how to address them? by Prof. Svitlana Kravchenko, University of Oregon, USA and Dr. Csaba Kiss, Environmental Management and Law Association, Hungary   PPT - -
Judges and the Convention – How the judiciary can further the implementation of the third pillar: An EU perspective and an EECCA perspective by the Hon. Luc Lavrysen, Constitutional Court, Belgium   DOC - -
Judges and the Convention – How the judiciary can further the implementation of the third pillar: An EECCA perspective by the Hon. Vera Macinskaia, Supreme Court, Moldova     - DOC
Networking and sharing of experiences by the Hon.William Birtles, South Eastern Circuit Court, United Kingdom   DOC - -
List of participants   PDF - -