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Second meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

16 - 17 December 2013
Geneva Switzerland

The second meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information took place on 16 and 17 December 2013 in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle VIII).

At this meeting, delegates deliberated on public access to environmental information in the specific sectors: land management and spatial planning, agriculture as well as water supply and wastewater treatment. Furthermore, they shared experiences in the effective use of electronic information tools in the Convention`s implementation and exchanged information on the relevant capacity building initiatives at the regional, subregional and national levels. They were also informed about the recent activities of other international forums relevant to the matter of access to environmental information, especially with regard to access to geospatial data and technology.

In addition, the participants considered the outcomes of the survey to assess implementation of the Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (Decision II/3 ENG, FRE and RUS).


Documents ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda for the meeting (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.1/Rev.1) PDF    
Report on the second meeting (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2014/4) and its accompanying document (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.2/Add.1) PDF
Key outcomes of the meeting (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.4) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Item 3. Effective use of electronic information tools: taking stocks of experiences      
Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (Decision II/3) PDF PDF PDF

Questionnaire to assess implementation of the Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (Decision II/3)

Summary report on the results of the survey (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.2) and its accompanying document (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.2/Add.1) PDF

Shared Environment Information System      
A review of Shared Environment Information System-related developments with an impact on environmental assessment and reporting since the Seventh “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference
Outline on the establishment of a regular assessment and reporting process underpinned by the gradual development of a Shared Environment Information System
SEIS Cookbook PDF   PDF
Item 4. The Aarhus Clearinghouse: the role of national nodes in its development      

Revised draft Guidance for National Nodes of the Clearinghouse (AC/TF.AI-2/Inf.3)
- clean
- in track changes (former ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2006/5/Add.1)

Item 7. Future work on access to information      
Draft decision on access to information (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2014/L.1) PDF    

Presentations and statements

Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Item 2. Public access to environmental information in the specific sectors: sharing good practices, identifying gaps and overcoming challenges      
(a) In the area of land management and spatial planning      
Ms. Aida Iskoyan, Armenia     PPT
Mr. Hugo De Groof, European Commission PPT    
Ms. Gulnara Roll, UNECE PPTX    
Mr. Oleg Pecheniuk, NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise” PPT   PPT
(b) In the agriculture sector      
Mr. Martin Bortzmeyer, France   PDF  
Ms. Tamara Malkova, ICO “Green Dossier” PPT    
Ms. Georgina Downs, UK Pesticides Campaign PDF    
(c) In the water supply and waste water treatment sector      
Ms. Edlira Dersha, Albania PPT    
Mr. Ilya Trombitsky, GLOBE-Europe PPT    
Item 3. The current use of electronic information tools in the Convention’s implementation: taking stocks of experiences      
Ms. Maryna Yanush, UNECE PDF    
Mr. David Stanners, European Environmental Agency PPT    
Mr. Lukasz Wyrowski, UNECE PPT    
Mr. Rudolf Legat, Austria PDF    
Ms. Tina Janjatovic and Mr. Ivan Jaric, Serbia PPT    
Item 4. The Aarhus Clearinghouse: the role of national nodes in its development      
Ms. Manja Vidic, UNECE PPT    
Item 5. Activities under other international forums dealing with access to environmental information      
Mr. Vyacheslav Cherkasov, UN DESA


Mr. Amor Laaribi, UN GGIM PDF
Mr. Dong Wu, UNCTAD PPT    
Item 6. Building capacities in providing access to environmental information: identifying needs and looking for synergies      
Ms. Mary Chakryan. Armenian Aarhus Centre PPTX    
Ms. Olga Melnik, Information Analytical Centre of Kazakhstan PPT   PPT