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Roundtable on integration of the SEA procedure into the national legal framework of Armenia

11 March 2016
Yerevan Armenia

The roundtable is organized by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (RECC) in the framework of the EU funded Programme ‘Greening the Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood’.  

The aim of the roundtable is to present and discuss necessary amendments of the Law on EIA and Expertise in order to fully transpose provisions of the UNECE Protocol on SEA to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention). The feedback from the relevant national stakeholders will be utilized during the work on the revisions of the Law.

Representatives of the relevant ministries (i.e. Ministry of Nature Protection, Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations, Ministry of Health, etc.), UNECE Secretariat, international organizations, NGOs, as well as the national and international experts involved in the preparation of the legal amendments will be invited to attend the meeting.

The roundtable will be followed by the internal meeting of the working group on the Law amendments to agree on the approach and develop the detailed workplan.


Document title ENG ARM RUS
Background documents      
Draft agenda ENG    
Report ENG    
List of participants ENG    

Introduction to the EaP GREEN activities in Armenia and overview of the environmental assessment system reforms in Eastern Europe and Caucasus

Ms. Elena Santer, UNECE Secretariat to the Espoo Convention and Protocol on SEA


Introduction to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise – presentation and discussion

Ms. Azganush Drnoyan, National Expert, Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia



Main requirements of the UNECE Protocol on SEA and provisions to be integrated in the Law on EIA and Expertise – presentation and discussion

Ms. Elena Laevskaya and Mr. Gor Movsisyan, International Legal Experts to UNECE



Planned amendments of the Law on EIA and Expertise: organization of work, involvement of stakeholders, work plan – presentation and discussion

Ms. Azganush Drnoyan, National Expert, Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia


Approach to amendments of the Law on EIA and Expertise

Ms. Elena Laevskaya and Mr. Gor Movsisyan, International Legal Experts to UNECE